The RenewaNation Review 2022 Volume 14 Issue 2 | Page 23

How well-developed is your biblical worldview ?
First , Marxism is taking hold in America , and a primary vehicle for this invasion and the ongoing cultural realignment taking place is the social justice movement . Second , Marxism and the social justice movement stand contrary to freedom , opportunity , and prosperity for all . Freedom-loving people everywhere must speak against them and educate their children to be wary of them . Finally , Christians especially need to understand that the tenets of the social justice movement are antithetical to biblical teachings and , therefore , anti-Christian . Pastors need to be preaching against the social justice movement , and Christians in the pews need to be warning their brothers and sisters in Christ about it .
You can start by sharing this article . 25 Be informed , inform others , and pray that God will open people ’ s eyes everywhere to the dangers of Marxism and the social justice movement . Nothing less than the future of liberty , which includes the freedom to share the gospel with others , is at stake . ■



A Biblical Worldview Discovery and Development Tool
A Biblical Worldview Discovery & Development Tool
B . Nathaniel Sullivan is a writer , Christian educator , and blogger at wordfoundations . com and discoverbedrocktruth . org .
Endnotes 1 . Marx ’ s statements in this article are from just one quotations website , azquotes . com . I did not do extensive research to dig them up as these are prominent , well-known statements from Marx . Links to these quotes and the biblical passages that refute them are at https :// wordfoundations . com / marxquotes . 2 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 575534 . 3 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 466849 . 4 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 899386 . 5 . The word sovereign is used here , not in the ultimate sense , for only God is sovereign in this way . It is used to convey the idea that human beings have qualities that reflect that God has made them in His image , and this sets them apart from the rest of God ’ s created order . Thus , human sovereignty does not mean that people are godlike , but that they are like God — capable of having preferences , making judgments , understanding and making moral and ethical choices , and designed to be free , not manipulated or controlled by the government . 6 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 766382 . 7 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 1214851 . 8 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 189350 . 9 . Social justice , “ also known as economic justice , is a term describing the redistribution of wealth supposedly for the common good of all . However , this comes at the expense of wage earners and liberty by demanding a society to conform . Those who work and have must give to those who don ’ t work and don ’ t have .” Social justice , therefore , tilts strongly in the direction of socialism , Marxism , and communism — and away from free enterprise . See https :// conservapedia . com / Social _ Justice . 10 . Charles Heck , “ Adrian Rogers on Socialism ,” Worldly Saints , February 7 , 2016 , https :// worldlysaints . wordpress . com / 2016 / 02 / 07 / adrian-rogers-on-socialism . 11 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 189357 . 12 . https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 8mMIocEGGM0 . 13 . See principle eight on this list at https :// discoverbedrocktruth . org / principles-ofeconomic-liberty . 14 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 813327 . 15 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 1238796 . 16 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 189350 . 17 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 370513 . 18 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 652760 . 19 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 521113 . 20 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 577000 . 21 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 189363 . 22 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 1125159 . 23 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 823584 . 24 . https :// azquotes . com / quote / 571986 . 25 . This article is available online at https :// wordfoundations . com / exposemarxism /.
Copyright © 2022 by B . Nathaniel Sullivan . All rights reserved .

How well-developed is your biblical worldview ?

The ViewFinder is a tool to help teenagers and adults understand what they believe about six areas of biblical worldview : God , the Bible , moral order , purpose , creation , and humanity .
Consisting of thirty questions about real-life moral dilemmas with multiple-choice answers , the ViewFinder allows individuals to consider not only what they believe but how they would respond if they found themselves in similar situations .
Digitally delivered results include explanations for each answer , and recommended reading lists further develop a biblical worldview . A biblical worldview certificate is included for those who achieve the highest marks .
Available digitally at renewanation . org / viewfinder for single or group use .