The RenewaNation Review 2022-2023 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 9

Ffrom the ounder ’ s Pen

Ffrom the ounder ’ s Pen

Dear Reader ,
Thank you for taking the time to read this Collingsworth Family Special Edition of The RenewaNation Review magazine . We pray that the articles will inspire and equip you to help the children in your sphere of influence develop a biblical worldview .
One of the speeches I have been giving lately is entitled “ Saving Our Families in a World Gone Crazy .” I use the example of Noah to challenge parents to work diligently to save their children .
I think all of us can agree that the world has truly gone crazy . Children are being encouraged to question their biological gender and deny God ’ s design for sexuality . This is so prevalent that George Barna recently found that 39 percent of all 18- to 24-year-olds now identify as LGBTQ . Pre-teen children are encouraged to take terribly harmful hormone treatment to alter their identities . Schools are teaching children to explore every form of sexual experience and that God ’ s good design for gender , sexuality , and the family is old and out of date . Those with a truth-based way of thinking can hardly fathom that the world has embraced these absurd ideas . However , when a culture decides to abandon God ’ s absolute standard of truth , almost anything becomes acceptable . There ’ s one huge problem with all of these false ideas : They destroy children ’ s lives ! Anything other than truth eventually enslaves people .
What are we to do ? We are to look into the eyes of our beautiful children and grandchildren and realize that many of their children and grandchildren will be alive one hundred years from now . We must commit to pouring the truth into their young hearts and minds . We must become the greatest influence in their lives and help them learn to love the truth and see the great benefits of embracing it . We must lead them to the source of all truth , Jesus Christ , and allow Him to make them who He wants them to be .
The one thing we should never do is give up or give in to the lies of this world . No matter what it takes , we must stand for the truth and show our children and grandchildren the beauty of God ’ s good design and how it always works out best in the real world .
If you would like to learn more about RenewaNation or order more copies of this magazine , go to renewanation . org or call our office at 540-890-8900 .
Sincerely ,
Jeff Keaton RenewaNation Founder & CEO

Therefore take up the whole armor of God , that you may be able to withstand in the evil day , and having done all , to stand firm .” Ephesians 6:13