The RenewaNation Review 2022-2023 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 46

The Collingsworth Family


What resources do you recommend for developing a biblical worldview for your children , grandchildren , or yourself ?
PHIL AND KIM : Well , first and foremost would be teaching your children and grandchildren from God ’ s Word , which is the main resource for a biblical worldview . However , there are some brilliant resources out there for kids today that reinforce what God ’ s Word has to say . When our kids were younger , we used a lot of Adventures in Odyssey from Focus on the Family or Your Story Hour by Uncle Dan and Aunt Sue . Our kids often would listen to these after being tucked into bed at night . It always made Phil and me happy knowing that even at night , the things we were trying to teach them daily were being reinforced through resources such as these . We also listened many times while traveling down the road . The truths our children learned back then have stayed with them right on into their adult lives . Our married children are now using some of these same resources , along with others , for our grandchildren . We couldn ’ t be happier .
Personally , Phil and I have enjoyed Streams in the Desert by L . B . Cowman and Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby . As a mother and wife , I have found the book series by Elizabeth George extremely helpful for biblical parenting , grandparenting , and my relationship with God . She has written many books such as A Woman After God ’ s Own Heart , Loving God with All Your Mind , and A Woman ’ s Call to Prayer . I think I have almost all of her books in
my library . They have been a wonderful resource for me over the years in strengthening my biblical worldview , even as an adult .
BROOKLYN : The Risen Motherhood Podcast looks at being a Mom through a biblical perspective . I also love the Praise Baby music and Adventures in Odyssey stories . My kiddos go to sleep with those at night . It ’ s amazing the biblical details they can learn and the mindset they can cultivate . Those of us who have children in The Collingsworth Family have recently received a copy of RenewaNation ’ s new book on parenting , 50 Things Every Child Needs to Know Before Leaving Home . We find it very helpful , practical , and thorough . It is an excellent resource to help us raise our children to godly adulthood .
COURTNEY : I have really enjoyed listening to the Elisabeth Elliot Podcast . She gives such practical , biblical advice for mothers . For Theo , we have been using The Beginner ’ s Bible to introduce Bible stories in a way he can understand . We also use the My First Memory Verse Bible for Scripture memorization .