The RenewaNation Review 2022-2023 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 25

How well-developed is your biblical worldview ?
are innocent . The universality of human guilt before God , that we all are broken and sinful , that we are all in need of forgiveness and redemption is replaced by a moral reckoning that is dependent on which group we belong to . Human identity , human nature , and human problems are all flattened onto a single spectrum of oppression .
Given its failure to diagnose sin , it ’ s not surprising that critical theories lack an adequate understanding of salvation . At best , a semblance of acceptance is offered to those who accept its worldview , but even then , the guilt of certain groups and the moral superiority of other groups is fixed and perpetual . This also means that forgiveness and reconciliation are effectively ruled out a priori . Even for the oppressed , there is no path for healing ; no bearing one another ’ s burdens ; no easing the burden of pain by forgiving another .
In the end , wokeness is built on a worldview without salvation and offers an eschatology with no real hope . Though the proclaimed goal is to end oppression , it ’ s what the late sociologist Philip Rieff called a “ deathwork ,” dedicated to tearing down things but unable to build , or offer , anything better . Advocates of critical race theory , for example , argue that although race is a cultural construct , racism is an inevitable and irredeemable trait of certain groups and society . They cannot offer a vision of the world in which this sin is defeated or redeemed , much less one in which the guilty are forgiven and restored . The best that can be hoped for is to replace one set of powers with another .
Playing off of legitimate concerns about power and corruption , concerns first introduced to the world by a Christian vision of life and the world , critical theories push these ideas to the point of reframing the gospel .
The real problems with race and injustice in America need to be addressed . However , any expression of critical theory fails even as an analytical tool for Christians because it is built on a flawed and contrary worldview . ■



A Biblical Worldview Discovery and Development Tool
A Biblical Worldview Discovery & Development Tool

How well-developed is your biblical worldview ?

John Stonestreet serves as president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview . He ’ s a sought-after author and speaker on areas of faith and culture , theology , worldview , education , and apologetics . John is the daily voice of BreakPoint , the nationally syndicated commentary on the culture founded by the late Chuck Colson . He is also the voice of The Point , a daily one-minute feature on worldview , apologetics , and cultural issues .
Glenn Sunshine is a former Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University and a Senior Faculty Member of the Colson Fellows . An award-winning author , Glenn has published books , articles , and book chapters on history , theology , and culture , online and on both sides of the Atlantic . His book Why You Think the Way You Do : The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home ( Zondervan , 2009 ) received the 2006 Acton Institute Book Grant .
ENDNOTES 1 . Tom Holland , Dominion : How the Christian Revolution Remade the World ( Basic Books , 2019 ).
Copyright © 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview . Reprinted from BreakPoint . org with permission .
The ViewFinder is a tool to help teenagers and adults understand what they believe about six areas of biblical worldview : God , the Bible , moral order , purpose , creation , and humanity .
Consisting of thirty questions about real-life moral dilemmas with multiple-choice answers , the ViewFinder allows individuals to consider not only what they believe but how they would respond if they found themselves in similar situations .
Digitally delivered results include explanations for each answer , and recommended reading lists further develop a biblical worldview . A biblical worldview certificate is included for those who achieve the highest marks .
Available digitally at renewanation . org / viewfinder for single or group use .