The RenewaNation Review 2021 Volume 13 Issue 2 | Page 35

margin of nearly thirteen to one . 3 That ’ s quite the change for our young nineteen-year-old who just got out of the Liberal Sunday School ( the public K – 12 schools ) where Republicans were outnumbered by only four to one . Broken down into different majors , the numbers are even more pronounced . In the anthropology and communications majors , Langbert found 164 Democrat professors and not one Republican at these universities . In religion , Democratic professors outnumber Republicans by a margin of seventy to one . These professors are often the ones consulted by the media and used in the documentaries your kids watch about religion in public schools . In the philosophy department , Democrats outnumber Republicans almost eighteen to one ; many of these graduates go on to careers in law and make the laws decades later , which almost always fall hardest on the practitioners of traditional religious faith .
The priests and priestesses who teach in the Progressive seminary put their money as well as their mouths where their hearts and minds lie . According to [ The Center for Responsive Politics ], “ political donations from the education industry largely come from individuals associated with various institutions , such as universities . . . . They ’ ve typically favored liberals ; over the past decade , the worst year for Democrats was a cycle in which their party received 73 percent of the cash .” 4 In 2018 , those working in education gave $ 9.1 million to Republicans while donating
$ 72.3 million to Democrats — just over 88 percent of their total contributions . This probably tells us that not only are Republicans far outnumbered by Democrats but they are also outnumbered in enthusiasm — if we assume that actually giving your hard-earned cash is a measure of active belief and support .
What ’ s happening isn ’ t education ; it ’ s indoctrination . It ’ s not necessarily a conspiracy , and I suppose more often than not it ’ s not always even malevolent . But it doesn ’ t change the deleterious effects of hearing only one side persuasively argued . For a student majoring in anthropology or communications at one of these elite universities , it is possible to go four whole years without encountering a single Republican professor . Elaborating on the study , we know from it that “ despite the variability , none of the fifty-one colleges had more Republicans than Democrats . According to the survey , over a third of them had no Republicans at all .” 5
Will this student know traditionalist or conservative counter-arguments ? Will this student feel comfortable challenging his professors ? Indeed , will actual conservatives getting their doctorates be themselves ? They know for a fact that they are outnumbered greatly . They know how competitive it is to get a tenure-track professorship . Will they really speak their minds in the cutthroat realm of the university in the name of academic integrity ? Surely , pusillanimity on the part of conservatives is rewarded when you are outnumbered thirteen to one . Or rather , rational selfpreservation is rewarded by you shutting your mouth and not going off-script . Why ? Because for every Jordan Peterson who gets rich when a Progressive mob of inquisitors comes for him , how many unknown Jordan Petersons are there who committed career suicide whom you never hear about because they were open about their traditional beliefs — and as a result , never got hired ? ■
Hezekiah Kantor is a pseudonym for an American high school teacher and coach with a B . A . from an Ivy League University and an M . A . in teaching from a Jesuit college on the West Coast . A teacher of the year in his first school district , he holds a National Board Certificate for Adult and Youth Social Studies . He has an interest in politics , religion , economics , and military history . His 2019 book , Trojan Horse Religion , explains in detail the beliefs and practices of the Progressive Liberal religion and describes how Progressive Liberalism aims to be the State Church .
ENDNOTES 1 . Lance Izumi , “ Why Are Teachers Mostly Liberal ,” Pacific Research Institute , April 3 , 2019 , https :// pacificresearch . org / why-are-teachers-mostly-liberal . 2 . Lee Drutman , “ Political Divisions In 2016 And Beyond ,” The Democracy Fund Voter Study Group , June 2017 , https :// voterstudygroup . org / publication / politicaldivisions-in-2016-and-beyond . 3 . Mitchell Langbert , “ Homogenous : The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty ,” The National Association of Scholars , 2018 , https :// nas . org / academic-ques tions / 31 / 2 / homogenous _ the _ political _ affiliations _ of _ elite _ liberal _ arts _ college _ faculty . 4 . “ Education ,” The Center for Responsive Politics , http :// opensecrets . org / industries / indus . php ? ind = W04 . 5 . Cass R . Sunstein , “ The Problem With All Those Liberal Professors ,” Bloomberg , September 17 , 2018 , https :// bloomberg . com / opinion / articles / 2018-09-17 / colleges-have-way-too-many-liberal-professors .
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