“ Only a little while , sowing , and reaping , Only a little while , our vigil keeping ; Then we shall gather home , no more to sever , Clasped in eternal love , blest , blest forever .”
Fanny Crosby
create a great deal of contentious debate . Additionally , the educational choices society is afforded are numerous . To make wise decisions , we must prayerfully seek God ’ s will and recount His scriptural positions on instruction . Additionally , we must bear the charge He has entrusted and responsibly take ownership of the choice .
If a family chooses a public institution of learning , then a great deal of supervision , refutation of falsehoods , Christian legal advocacy , campus involvement , and intentional home and church-guided biblical instruction is imperative . When homeschooling , a family must recognize the criticality of their child ’ s biblical worldview instruction and well-rounded preparedness through curriculum choice , time management , and like-minded fellowship and collaboration . Choosing a private , Christian school must entail a thorough examination of whether its mission , vision , staff and student culture , leadership , curriculum , and classroom instruction are saturated in biblical worldview . This can only be discovered through tours , in-depth interviews , classroom observations , and textbook reviews .
No subject matter , textbook , literature , song , piece of art , play , sport , or lecture is neutral . Either it bears witness to God or directs a mind and heart subtly or openly away from Him . The how of education can be the most celebrated , sinister , or confusing aspect . It is the heartbeat of education . Currently , we are witnessing frequent reports of political and societal agendas being blatantly injected into public education ’ s how , yet a vast amount of Christian homeschool and private educators are lamenting that they are ill-equipped and lack training on biblical worldview contextualization .
Since its inception , Renewanation has been blessed with inspiring many Christian educators to the need for biblical worldview education . As God has connected us with phenomenal resources over the past few years , we have taken biblical worldview educator training to the next level with the launch of our REAP ( Renewanation Educator Advancement Program ) initiative . REAP ’ s heartbeat is to inspire and equip Christian educators by providing training and resources to cultivate biblical worldview immersed education in their homes , classrooms , and churches and provide testimony to the transformational work biblical worldview education is producing all across the world .
There is an intense battle being waged for the hearts and minds of our children . We must break up the educational fallow ground that has long yielded weedy worldviews and be unapologetically intent on cultivating and harvesting a mighty multitude living and working for the cause of Christ !
For more information about REAP , please contact Tonya Gordon at tgordon @ renewanation . org . ■
Tonya Gordon has a passion for providing children with a biblical worldview foundation . With over twenty-six years of combined experience in public , private , and homeschool education , she has been blessed with an extensive and unique perspective on pedagogy . She has served in various educational roles : teacher , state SOL auditor , assistant principal , academic dean , and homeschool tutor / educator . Tonya serves as the Director of REAP and iLumenEd Academy ’ s Curriculum and Instruction Advisor . Tonya and her husband , Ron , live in Roanoke , Virginia , and are blessed with three children .