Bring a Biblical Worldview into Your Classroom
Biblical Worldview Formation in Education ( ED 275 )
Are you looking for tools to improve biblical worldview shaping in your classroom ? Dr . Bryan Smith ’ s course Biblical Worldview Formation in Education helps Christian educators take the next step in making a biblical worldview central in their classrooms .
Dr . Bryan Smith , Senior Manager for Biblical Worldview Formation at BJU Press , has created a new course for Christian educators . This course meets the needs of Christian teachers who desire to improve their skills in biblical worldview formation .
In this course , you ’ ll see how a biblical worldview is essential to each academic subject . You will also gain knowledge to create a classroom environment infused with a Christian philosophy of education .
This class provides opportunities to :
Distinguish a secular approach from a Christian approach to education .
Develop a strategy for biblical worldview shaping in the classroom .
Design lesson plans that foster meaningful biblical integration in the classroom .
Evaluate Christian educational materials .
Write a personal Christian philosophy of education .
Earn CEU Credits .
Visit https :// www . bjupress . com / go / bwc to learn more !
This regionally accredited course is offered online through BJU SCOPE Continuing & Professional Education .