The RenewaNation Review 2021 Volume 13 Issue 2 | Page 23

Lady Justice is standing on the Bible . God ’ s Word and His righteousness are the foundation for justice . The pursuit of justice requires a standard . When we lose a sense of right and wrong , we cannot determine what is just . Justice requires the truth . An apologist once said , “ When truth dies , justice is buried with it .” Notice what Psalm 89:14 says : “ Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne .” God wants both righteousness and justice . Righteousness is the moral standard of right and wrong to which God holds humans accountable based on His divine standard . Justice is the fair and impartial application of God ’ s moral law in society . When there is no standard for right or wrong , it leads to partiality , unfairness , and injustice .
Blindfolded , she practices no bias , never showing favoritism or partiality based on wealth , skin color , or sex . Lady Justice is blindfolded because she does not favor rich or poor , elite or lowly , black or white , male or female . Everyone stands on the same standard as image-bearers of God . Justice requires blindness to who the individual is . The Bible tells us it is unjust to take into account who someone is when deciding what is true and right : “ You must not act unjustly when deciding a case . Do not be partial to the poor or give preference to the rich ; judge your neighbor fairly ” ( Lev . 19:15 CSB ).
The scales in her hand represent that her judgment is grounded in objective truth so that there can be fairness ( a level playing field rather than crooked scales — taking in both sides of a story ) and uprightness ( a straight standard so that we can deal with people equally ), not based on external factors or appearance . There can be no justice where relativism prevails because the standard for right and wrong always changes . When facts are presented , Lady Justice applies the standard impartially , without favoritism or rigging the scales . Justice hears both sides of a case and is not quick to jump to conclusions . This concept is based on the biblical principle of cross-examination and fair process ( Prov . 18:17 ). Those who pass judgment after hearing only one side are not interested in justice . Therefore , we must not pronounce a judgment hastily or without all the facts .
The sword in her hand reveals the necessity of authority manifested in law and law enforcement . God has given civil government the role of punishing criminals . The principle of “ an eye for an eye ” is good when pursuing justice . In the ancient world , punishment often exceeded the crime , such as the death penalty for theft . The punishment must fit the crime . In addition , when crime is ignored , injustice multiplies . Therefore , God commands civil leaders to read the law before governing so that they administer justice impartially and biblically .