The RenewaNation Review 2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 | Page 19

udices of the past by enforcing their own inverted hierarchy of prejudice . The entire movement has foolishly committed to replicating the sins of ethnic bias that they so vehemently oppose . In effect , they ’ re attempting to fight partiality with more partiality .
In simple terms , partiality is the application of an unfair bias , and Scripture repeatedly warns God ’ s people against practicing such prejudice — particularly against one another . That kind of favoritism , based largely on social status , was one of the key issues James addressed in his epistle : “ My brethren , do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism . For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes , and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes , and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes , and say , ‘ You sit here in a good place ,’ and you say to the poor man , ‘ You stand over there , or sit down by my footstool ,’ have you not made distinctions among yourselves , and become judges with evil motives ? . . . If , however , you are fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture , ‘ You shall love your neighbor as yourself ,’ you are doing well . But if you show partiality , you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors ” ( James 2:1 – 4 , 8 – 9 ).
The great affront of partiality is that it is antithetical to God ’ s character , “ For there is no partiality with God ” ( Rom . 2:11 ). Impartiality is one of God ’ s fundamental attributes : “ For the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords , the great , the mighty , and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe ” ( Deut . 10:17 ). Consequently , we are commanded to reflect God ’ s impartial character : “ If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one ’ s work , conduct yourselves
“ The entire movement has foolishly committed to replicating the sins of ethnic bias that they so vehemently oppose . In effect , they ’ re attempting to fight partiality with more partiality .”
in fear during the time of your stay on earth ” ( 1 Pet . 1:17 ).
For those reasons , the sin of partiality — on any basis — has no place among God ’ s people . Left unchecked , it becomes a cancer within the church , eating away at the unity and oneness Jesus desires for His people . Moreover , it assaults the glorious new reality brought about by Christ ’ s reconciling work on the cross : “ For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus . For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ . There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free man , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus ” ( Gal . 3:26 – 28 ).
Put simply , the line of demarcation between who is — and who isn ’ t — a child of God can never be established on the basis of social standing , gender , or ethnicity . As John MacArthur explains in his commentary on Galatians , “ The person who becomes one with Christ also becomes one with every other believer . There are no distinctions among those who belong to Christ . In spiritual matters , there is to be made no racial , social , or sexual discrimination —‘ neither Jew nor Greek . . . slave nor free man . . . male nor female .’”
It is not , of course , that among Christians there is no such thing as a Jew , Gentile , slave , free person , man , or woman . There are obvious racial , social , and sexual differences among people . Paul , however , was speaking of spiritual differences — differences in standing before the Lord , spiritual value , privilege , and worthiness .
Consequently , prejudice based on race , social status , sex , or any other such superficial and temporary differences has no place in the fellowship of Christ ’ s church . All believers , without exception , are all one in Christ Jesus . All spiritual blessings , resources , and promises are equally given to all who believe unto salvation . 4
The ethnic distinctions championed by the social justice warriors in and around the church today are the very antithesis of New Testament teaching on true Christian unity . Christ is zealous for the unity of His people . In His high priestly prayer , He petitioned His Father on our behalf that we would “ all be one ; even as You , Father , are in Me and I in You , that they also may be in Us , so that the world may believe that You sent Me ” ( John 17:21 ).
Rather than pondering whether white people can be saved , we should be marveling that anyone can be saved . It was only through Christ ’ s life , death , and resurrection that the impenetrable barrier between a holy God and sinful men was removed . How dare anyone who claims to be united to Christ attempt to rebuild it . ■
ENDNOTES 1 . All Saints Church Pasadena , “ Beyond Whiteness ,” You- Tube , March 28 , 2019 , https :// youtu . be / oNQG2Mayw5Q . 2 . Union Seminary (@ UnionSeminary ), Twitter Post , April 11 , 2019 , 4:07 PM , https :// twitter . com / UnionSeminary / status / 1116432486068883458 . 3 . Thabiti Anyabwile , “ We Await Repentance for Assassinating Dr . King ,” The Gospel Coalition , April 4 , 2018 , https :// www . thegospelcoalition . org / blogs / thabitianyabwile / await-repentance-assassinating-dr-king . 4 . John MacArthur , The MacArthur New Testament Commentary : Galatians ( Chicago , IL : Moody Press , 1983 ), 99-100 .
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