The RenewaNation Review 2021 Volume 13 Issue 1 | Página 50






Create a bullet-proof devotional routine . Know how to say no . Read often and wide . Work on your marriage , and work to be healthy .
• Prioritize : Spend five minutes a day prioritizing . Assess and choose priorities for the next day so you begin with clarity . Don ’ t waste your energy on unimportant issues .
• Follow-up : Be a follow-up specialist . Pay attention to details and follow through .
• Recognition : Bless others by recognition . Encourage others on their journey .
• Objectives : Set reasonable objectives , and you will get better buy in .
• Leadership : Be a servant leader . Leaders inspire others to greatness . We must help everyone connect .
• Thank You : Take a daily “ thank you walk ” and share a word of encouragement daily with at least five people .
• No Energy Vampires : Spend time with people who give you energy and charge your battery .
• Purpose : Adrian Rogers said , “ We don ’ t get burned out because of what we do ; we get burned out because we forget why we do it .”
• Team : Be a team player . When you help your team improve , you improve . There is no “ I ” in team .
• Service : You don ’ t have to be great to serve , but you have to serve to be great . Adrian Rogers also said , “ You will never be over until you learn to be under .”
• No Complaining : There is no complaining in Kingdom education . If you are complaining , you are not leading .
• Get To : Focus on “ get to ” versus “ have to .” Focus on what you get to do , not what you have to do . Life is a gift , not an obligation .
• Failure : Failure is refinement . The next time you fail , remember that it ’ s not meant to define you . It ’ s meant to refine you .
May these principles that drive word of mouth , encourage excellent customer service , and develop effective leadership assist you in “ telling the story ” to engage all stakeholders in Kingdom Marketing and lead them to take faithful action in building the Kingdom of God . ■
Dr . S . L . Sherrill is the Founder and Superintendent Emeritus of North Raleigh Christian Academy . During his 23 years there , God used Doc to establish NRCA as an ACSI flagship school of 1,450 students . He brings 48 years of service to the position of Senior Executive Consultant for Renewanation . Doc has served as a Head of School , Youth Pastor , Associate Pastor , and Senior Pastor . Currently , he is the ACSI NC Field Director overseeing over 100 schools . Doc is an annual speaker at the Kingdom School Institute and does professional development , policy governance , and strategic planning for Christian schools and boards across the country . Through Christian School 101 , a program he developed , Doc has helped establish over 40 Christian schools across the southeast . He is President of the Board for SBACS and Joshua Expeditions . Doc holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Tennessee Temple University , Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology Degrees from Faith Baptist Theological Seminary , and Master of Christian Education and Doctor of Christian Education Degrees from Faith Seminary .






You Can Have A Vibrant Christian School . We Can Help .

Improve the strength and sustainability of your school to become a thriving , God-centered school through the Renewanation Christian School Revitalization Program . Overcome the challenges COVID has brought to your school with assistance from the Renewanation Christian School Recovery Program . We will gain an understanding of your situation and help you develop an immediate plan to succeed . Contact Renewanation today to access the wisdom and leadership of Doc Sherrill and others on our revitalization teams .
� 540-890-8900 � renewanation . org