Ffrom the ounder ’ s Pen
Dear Reader ,
As you read through this special “ Collingsworth Family Edition ” of The Renewanation Review magazine , it is my prayer that you will be encouraged , challenged , and motivated to take new action to ensure that the children in your care are developing a biblical worldview .
We live in a world where children receive all the wrong answers to the major questions of life from media , pop culture , education , and often in their homes . As Christian parents and grandparents , we must be very intentional about teaching God ’ s beautiful truth to our children .
In Genesis 1-3 , we are given the answers to some of the most fundamental questions of life . Who has ultimate authority in this world ? “ In the beginning , God .” Where did we come from ? “ God created .” What makes humans different from and superior to all other species ? “ God created man in His image and likeness .” How do we determine our gender ? “ God created them male and female .” What is the basis of the family ? “ Then God said it is not good for man to be alone , and He created a woman from Adam ’ s side and told them to be fruitful and multiply .” What is man ’ s purpose on earth ? “ Subdue the earth and take dominion of every creature and sphere of the earth .” What is wrong with this world ? “ Adam and Eve rebelled against their Holy God and brought the curse of sin and death upon the earth .” How do we fix the problems we face in this world ? “ Jesus will crush Satan ’ s head .” Jesus Christ came and defeated sin and death and the devil ’ s plan once for all . He has chosen to redeem humans and our world , and we are His vice-regents on earth to carry out His plans .
When a child is given a wrong answer to any of the most important questions of life , it sends them on a trajectory that only leads to the confusion , chaos , and brokenness we see everywhere today .
There is an answer to all the problems our world is facing today ! This answer is found in the person of Jesus and the plan for life He gives us in His Word . When we align our lives and our world with His way of doing things , suddenly good things begin to happen .
At Renewanation , we are heaven-bent on inspiring and equipping the family , church , and school to give children a biblical worldview . I invite you to join this great mission !
All for Jesus and the children He loves so much ,
Jeff Keaton Renewanation Founder & CEO
There is an answer to all the problems our world is facing today !”