The RenewaNation Review 2020 Volume 12 Issue 1 | Page 40

Principle One: “God’s Principle of Individuality” describes the one-on-one relationship with God as it ampli- fies His signature in all creation and the privilege of bearing His image for a purpose. Principle Two: “The Christian Principle of Self-Govern- ment” teaches children to govern themselves in the grace of Christ with the “washing of the water of the Word” enabling them to walk in “peace of mind in the favor of God.”  2 Principle Three: “Conscience is the Most Sacred Proper- ty” teaches children to heed and steward the monitor God placed in them to assist their walk of grace daily, hourly, and moment by moment in all the complexities of life as they grow and learn. Principle Four: “The Principle of Christian Charac- ter” teaches children the strength God is building in them through faith in His providence, love, and purposes. The seven basic biblical principles taught in every oppor- tune moment, applied in family life, church, and school, and most importantly, used as the pillars of every subject build a sound, universally consistent biblical worldview of relevance to any new idea a student faces throughout life. A Marxist professor cannot uproot opinions from hearts when they are firmly rooted in the laws of nature and nature’s God and have been tested across every discipline. The last three of the seven basic principles equip students to apply biblical truth to the government. The fact that God made humans accountable to Him for governing themselves and His creation should make the government a person- al responsibility for every Christian. The following principles are personal and formative as the cement of the Christian community. Tried and proven, they are identifiable in the application of Chris- tian principles to civil liberty in the constitutional republic of the United States of America. PRINCIPLE FIVE: “THE CHRISTIAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT” The Bible is a governmental textbook revealing both how God governs His universe and the power of self-government vested in human beings. Children learn that they are prop- erly self-governed only when governed by Christ. They learn that the three powers of government that must be mutually checked and balanced in Washington to protect American liberty also guide their personal choices and conduct as well. They learn that the legislative power plans an action, the executive power of government carries out the action, and the judicial power of government evaluates the action. Parents and teachers consistently reinforce this understand- ing leading students to thoughtfully consider the process of self-government in alignment with the Word of God; thus, Christian character is formed. PRINCIPLE SIX: “HOW THE SEED OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IS PLANTED” It is said that all politics are local. Better said, all govern- ment is local as it impacts us where we are and how we live, including the home, the church, and the school classroom. The imagery of this principle depicts the process of plant- ing, cultivating, and reaping the biblical worldview—a long- term and individual process that extends outward to the local community as “the art of self-government is learned through ‘the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system…’”  3 In other words, this sixth principle is the blueprint for living free. “A general dissolution of princi- ples and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the People are virtuous, they cannot be subdued; but when “Children nurtured in biblical principles from early childhood inculcate those principles into their spiritual and mental DNA as the base of understanding life.” 40