The RenewaNation Review 2020 Volume 12 Issue 1 | Page 28

Pathologizing Masculinity: The APA Diagnoses Men as the Problem By John Stonestreet A NEW REPORT on boys and men from the American Psychological Association 1 reminded me, again, why worldview is so important. The report is the first of its kind from the APA, which has previously issued guidelines for girls and women, as well as for so-called “sexual minorities.”  2 For years now, the APA has been at the forefront of legit- imizing progressive gender and sexual ideologies, and this report is in that same vein. To put it mildly, their conclu- sions are less clinical recommendations than they are naked worldview assertions. Of course, the report isn’t all false ideologies. It opens, in fact, by recognizing a true and painful reality: Men and boys in America are not doing well. They’re diagnosed with ADHD at twice the rate of girls, they perform worse on standardized tests, they’re suspended and expelled from school at a disproportionate rate. As they get older, men use drugs and alcohol more often. They don’t seek help for mental health issues like depression as frequently as women do. They commit 90 percent of homicides and make up 77 percent of homicide victims. They account for 93 percent of federal prison inmates and are 3.5 times more likely than women to commit suicide. In fact, male suicides are up more than fifty percent in the U.S. since 1980. 3 We’ve talked of these so-called “deaths by despair” a few times on BreakPoint. Faced with all of these troubling realities, the APA iden- tifies the problem with men as being “traditional mascu- linity,” which they define as “anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence.” That’s not how I define traditional masculinity. Anti-fem- ininity? Violence? That sounds like being a jerk. Reading between the APA’s straw-men and caricatures, it becomes clear what assumptions are really behind the report. Traditional masculinity, the authors go on to argue, is socially constructed. Real gender is “non-binary,” the report says. In fact, even identifying male sex with masculine gender betrays “heteronormative assumptions.” In other words, masculinity does not objectively exist. It is whatever we make it. The report actually says, “Psychologists should help boys and men create their own concepts of what it means to be male.” 28