The RenewaNation Review 2020 Volume 12 Issue 1 | Page 7

F from the ounder’s Pen Dear Reader, In the 1960s and 70s, God birthed the Christian school movement in the United States. There were many cultural factors involved, but the removal of prayer and Bible reading from public schools was a significant catalyst. By the mid to late 80s, the Christian school move- ment was slowing down as an organic movement, and God raised the homeschool movement to continue the fight of rescuing the hearts and minds of millions of children from the onslaught of secularism that had swept across America. Make no mistake about it, in spite of all the challenges Christian schooling and homeschooling have faced over the last fifty years, today millions of adults possess, at least in part, a biblical worldview as a result of these two movements. Here’s the good news: I believe we are on the verge of seeing another organic Christian education movement in the United States. I have never in my adult life seen the level of interest among parents, grandparents, pastors, and educators that we see right now. When we launched Renewanation eleven years ago, it was very difficult. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall when I met with pastors and parents. There was a glazed over look in their eyes. They could not understand how secularized education was eroding the faith of the children in their care. Due to the rapid decline of morality in public schools and the aggressive movements coming after our children, an awakening is taking place. Christian educators, pastors, parents, and grandparents: Now is the time to get serious about the biblical worldview development of the children in your care. Satan is aggressively coming after our children! We must be equally aggressive. We can save the next generation. I know because we did it in the churches I led over the last 20 years. We won the hearts of hundreds of young men and women for Christ and gave them a biblical worldview using every tool available through the family, church, and school. They are changing the world right now. Let’s stop hoping our children follow Jesus and start being intentional about making biblical worldview development a reality with the help of the Holy Spirit. If you would like to talk about how we might partner with your family, church, or school, please contact us today. Renewing our nation, one child at a time, Jeff Keaton Renewanation Founder & CEO “ Here’s the good news: I believe we are on the verge of seeing another organic Christian education movement in the United States.” 7