The Foundation for a Biblical Worldview:
The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture Pathologizing Masculinity: The APA
Diagnoses Men as the Problem
We must recover a robust authority of Scripture. A report from the American Psychological Association
reminds us why worldview is so important.
Why Your Kids Can Spend 600-Plus Hours
in Church and Not Get Much Out of It
As parents, we are responsible for helping our kids
develop faith with a meaningful level of complexity.
American Education and
Intellectually Bankrupt Schools
When Ball Becomes Baal
Ways to put sports in the proper place.
Find a Christian Alternative
for Scholastic Books
We are where we are today because of education. Choose books that build a child’s morality
from a biblical perspective.
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What Do Blue Zones and Successful
Families Have in Common?
Lessons from the Bible about the aged that
are worthy of consideration.
How to Launch a Homeschool Co-op
Co-ops appeal to our sense of community while giving
us a change of scenery and pace.
18 Bible Instruction in Christian Education
Education has an enormous role in shaping our children. Christian schools that maintain a solid Bible program will
produce a different kind of person than the public school.
20 39
Christians and Public Education
Worldview War: Critical Theory vs. Christianity The Fruit of Right Thinking
Dealing with strongholds of the mind that can
only be brought down by the power of God. Biblical worldview rests on foundational biblical principles.
24 Stakeholder Engagement
Education must lead to transformed lives. Addressing major components for institutional
health in Christian schools.
Conformed or Transformed?