The RenewaNation Review 2020 Volume 12 Issue 1 | Page 11

PAUL SAYS THE BIBLE IS PROFITABLE, OR USEFUL, FOR FOUR PURPOSES: • Teaching. The Bible is given for instruction about what is true and false and what is right and wrong. According to the Bible, teaching is not concerned with facts to be learned but truth to be lived. God gave us the Bible to educate a child in truth. • Convicting (reproof). The Bible exposes sin, gener- ates conviction, and makes people aware of what God requires. God has given us the Bible to convince chil- dren they have broken God’s law and apart from Christ stand condemned. Our primary objective as parents and educators is to nurture a child’s conformity to the character of Christ, which requires conviction that the child is not Christ-like in certain areas of life. God gave you the Bible to be the prosecuting attorney. • Correcting. The Bible has the power to correct. It liter- ally means to straighten up what is wrong and reform. We are to use the Bible to treat spiritual diseases. God has given us, in the Bible, all the tools to address atti- tudes, actions, thoughts, and motives that do not align with the character of Christ. The Bible is given to you as the means to bring about repentance, confession, and forgiveness. God gave you the Bible to act as the physician (through Christ) to bring healing, health, and hope. • Training in righteousness. The Bible is given for charac- ter training of children. We are to use the Bible, simi- lar to the father in Proverbs, to train a child in moral skillfulness. Children need to be taught to apply God’s Word to life. The Bible is given to help children make good and godly decisions and live in a manner that is pleasing to God. The Bible is useful to train a child or grandchild to live righteously. Children are inclined to develop sinful habits, and the Bible helps us train chil- dren to think, act, and live biblically. God gave you the Bible to be the coach and counselor for children. We must recover a robust authority of Scripture. As the foundation of all we do, the Word of God will do more to spread the gospel, save marriages, raise the next generation to lifelong faith, grow organizations, and change the world for Christ than anything else. ■ Dr. Josh Mulvihill is the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at Renewanation. He served as a pastor for nearly 20 years, serves on the board of Awana, and helps to pro- vide leadership to the Christian Grandparent Network. He holds a Ph.D. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Biblical Grandparenting, Preparing Children for Marriage, and Biblical Worldview. Josh is married to Jen, and they have five children. Connect with Josh on Facebook at Gospel Shaped Family. ENDNOTES 1. Jana Magruder, Nothing Less: Engaging Kids in a Lifetime of Faith (Nashville: LifeWay Christian Resources, 2017), 22-24. NEW! Biblical Worldview will equip you to help young people develop a strong biblical foundation and doctrinal framework for a biblical worldview. A biblical worldview is built on the foundation of the au- thority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of the Bible. This book will help you establish this foundation in the hearts and minds of young people so that they trust the Bible, think about life from a Christian perspective, and live accord- ing to biblical principles. Our worldview is developed as we establish beliefs about four critical topics: • Creation: How did I get here? What is my purpose? • Rebellion: What went wrong? Why is there evil and suffering? • Salvation: What is the solution? Where do I find hope? • Restoration: What happens in the future? How do we transform lives and change the world? These four pillars of faith create the framework for a per- son’s worldview. It is critical that all four pillars are firmly established and that deep down convictions are devel- oped around these biblical truths. Biblical Worldview is a serious call to shape the next generation’s beliefs with the Bible. The aim of a biblical worldview is embracing gospel truth for godly living. This book is a short intro- duction to biblical worldview and will equip you to help children develop a biblically based view of life that will transform their homes, communities, and nations. 540-890-8900 · 1-855-TO-RENEW 11