The RenewaNation Review 2020 The Collingsworth Family Special Edition | Page 9
By Dr. Josh Mulvihill
REATION. MARRIAGE. Divorce. Jesus. Gender.
Education. Abortion. Parenting. Flat earth. Islam.
Immigration. Vaccines. The Bible. Climate change. Did
any of these words generate a response in your mind?
Did you silently state agreement or disagreement as you
read some of the words? Did any personal convictions
well up inside you? How about when I turn some of
these words into questions?
• Does the Bible contain errors?
• What is marriage?
• Is divorce ever permissible?
• Do aliens exist?
• What is the role of the government?
• Is gender determined by biology or choice?
• What is the purpose of education?
• Do vaccines cause autism?
Your answer to each of these questions represents a
portion of your worldview. Every person has a world-
view. Worldview is a way of summarizing what we
believe to be true, which determines how we live. If we
believe vaccines cause autism, we don’t vaccinate our
children. If we believe a person’s gender is discovered
rather than predetermined, then we encourage children
to explore their gender identity to learn who they are.
If we believe divorce is not an option, we work through
conflict and commit to lifelong faithfulness in marriage.
What you believe about vaccines, gender, and divorce
leads to very real consequences for children. The same
could be said about a long list of topics. The point is this:
our beliefs matter, and that’s why worldview matters.
Biblical worldview is a set of beliefs, assumptions,
and values based on the Bible that determines how a
person lives. A complete biblical worldview is the gospel
and is based on the Bible’s big story. A biblical worldview
is developed by teaching young people the whole coun-
sel of the Word of God and living as a Christ-like exam-
ple worthy of imitation. Worldview is not an abstract,
academic discipline that is concerned with winning
arguments or proving intellect.