The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 3 | Page 44

“The Bible presents a family-centered, church-supported strategy to disciple young people, and this needs to shape how we minister to them.” parents the responsibility to teach children, and that often happens today in partnership with educational institutions (Luke 6:40). The Bible presents a family-centered, church-supported strategy to disciple young people, and this needs to shape how we minister to them. Philosophically, for the past 50 years, the evangelical church has operated as if church was the greatest influence in a child’s life, done little to equip parents, and ignored grandparents and education. • “Many of the church leaders talk about the impor- tance of the family, but in practice, they have written off the family as an agency of spiritual influence. Their assumption is that if the family is going to be influ- enced, it is the organized church that will do the influ- encing, primarily through its events—worship services, classes, special events, etc. This philosophy causes the impetus behind youth (and children’s) ministry to be fixing what is broken—that is, to substitute the efforts of the church for those of parents since most of the latter do not provide the spiritual direction and accountabil- ity that their children need. But there is a procedural problem here: kids take their cues from their family, not from their youth ministers. God’s plan was for the church to support the family and for the family to be the front-line of ministry within the home.” 1 • Churches have said to families, “Bring your children to us. Let us teach them about Christ, and we will include you in the process. Help us develop Sunday school, small groups, retreats, and Vacation Bible School. The message we are communicating to families is that the church should be the focal point for nurturing faith in their children.” 2 Many well-intended church leaders have a theology of ministry that does not reflect the pattern or practice of Scripture. Many families rely too heavily on the church for the spiritual training of children without doing much disci- pleship at home, and the results are not good. The ministry of parenting and grandparenting is God’s primary evange- lism and discipleship vehicle for children, which is why it is so critical that you devote serious energy to it and develop a multi-person disciple-making plan for your church. Most churches put all their energy into the few hours they have with children on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, but my encouragement is to develop a four-person 44 strategy to reach and disciple young people built around parents, grandparents, education, and the church. If you are interested in learning how to do that, Renewanation can help through our church revitalization process. CHARACTERISTIC #6: AN UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO THE AUTHORITY AND SUFFICIENCY OF SCRIPTURE (2 Timothy 3:15-16) How do young people come to faith and grow in faith? Paul states, “and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.” One of the most helpful passages on the sufficiency of Scripture from the New Testament is 2 Timothy 3:15-17. Paul instructs Timothy about the authority and sufficien- cy of Scripture, which is able to lead a person to salvation in Christ, grow them into Christ-like maturity, guard from false teaching, and provide direction for life decisions. Paul says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:15-17). Paul says the Bible is profitable and useful for: • Teaching with the Bible what is true. The Bible is given for instruction about what is true and false such as the meaning of manhood and womanhood, marriage, and what is right and wrong. According to the Bible, teach- ing is not concerned with facts to be learned but truth to be lived. One reason God has given us the Bible is to teach children what is true. Therefore, if we want chil- dren to have biblical beliefs, we must commit to reading and discussing the Bible with them. God gave us the Bible to educate a child in truth. • Convicting with the Bible (for reproof) when there is sin. The Bible generates conviction; it makes people aware of what God requires. The Bible exposes sin. Our children are sinful by nature. They lack confor- mity to God’s law, and God has given you the Scrip- tures to transform the heart of a child. It is God’s ways, not ours, that children must obey. The Greek mean- ing of the word reproof is the legal process of being found responsible for a crime. God has given us the Bible to convince our little law-breakers they have broken God’s law, and apart from Christ, they stand condemned. Conviction is important because there