F ounder’s Pen
from the
Dear Reader,
Over the last few decades, secular psychology has become a broadly
accepted religion and has produced “the cult of self-worship,” as the
late and renowned psychologist Dr. Paul Vitz called it in the title of
his book. Americans have bought into the idea that the number one
goal in life is to fulfill their desires and to make themselves happy.
Postmodernism, in partnership with secular psychology, presents
the idea that there are no absolutes and we can make up our own
truth. This has become the predominant philosophy among people
under the age of 40. As a result, we now have a nation divided into
small identity groups, and the cardinal sin of society is to misidenti-
fy or fail to fully accept and empathize with the individuals/victims
who make up these groups.
The new orthodoxy in our world is no longer connected to absolute truth but is connected to making sure all offended
people fail to be offended, so they can fully live out their self-identity. For those of us who believe in divine revelation,
more specifically, the idea that God has given us a foundation of absolute truth in a book we call the Bible, this new way
of thinking is shocking and absurd. This new way of thinking is also absurd in “the real world.”
A former famous, lesbian tennis player recently took a stand against transgender men being allowed to play against
women in sports. She was quickly crushed by the “thought police” of our day and had to issue a deep apology. She knew
what we all know: if men who call themselves women take over women’s sports, women’s sports will cease to exist in a
meaningful way.
We have seen this absurdity creep into the evangelical church as well. Recently, when a well-known, heretical blogger
tragically passed away, she was treated as a hero by many evangelicals. She fit the mold of a disenfranchised evangelical
who, even though she celebrated same-sex marriage and many other unbiblical views, was embraced by many conser-
vative Christians because of her “quest for truth” and her willingness to be herself, no matter the cost.
At Renewanation, we are committed to fully teaching biblical truth to as many children as we possibly can. The shifting
sands of false psychology and postmodernism lead to chaos. Only by teaching children to know and love God’s good
design for every aspect of life can we experience a world where peace reigns and everyone prospers.
Renewing our nation, one child at a time,
Jeff Keaton
Renewanation Founder & CEO
The new orthodoxy in our world is no
longer connected to absolute truth but
is connected to making sure all offended
people fail to be offended, so they can
fully live out their self-identity.”