The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 3 | Page 20

2. EDUCATION THAT CONFIDENTLY HERALDS GOD’S HOLY WORD We live in a day in which the Bible is increasingly maligned and vilified. Even in churches, and especially in children’s classrooms, the Bible is losing visibility. The Bible is often described merely in terms of being a “story,” rather than being recognized as the holy Word of God. Christian educa- tors must boldly and unwaveringly proclaim the unparal- leled inerrancy, authority, necessity, sufficiency, and clarity of Scripture. God’s Word is holy. Let’s treat it with the weight and gravity it rightly deserves! “... from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salva- tion through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:15-17. 3. EDUCATION IN THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD If our students are to become faithful disciples of Jesus, they must be taught an appropriate breadth and depth of Scrip- ture. You cannot believe, love, and act upon that which is not known. As parents and teachers, we want to be able to say, “I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). One way to ensure this is to give our students biblical instruction that includes these five theolog- ical disciplines: Bible survey, biblical theology (historical/ redemptive storyline), systematic theology (doctrines of the Christian faith), moral instruction, and a clear and compre- hensive presentation of the gospel. 4. EDUCATION THAT RIGOROUSLY TRAINS THE MIND We live in a sound-bite world that is quick to make unin- formed judgments. Critical examination is almost a lost virtue. We must resist this trend by carefully and systemati- cally training our students to be rigorous, biblical thinkers. As Albert Mohler succinctly summarizes, “Christian faith- fulness requires the development of the believer’s intellectual capacities in order that we may understand the Christian faith, develop habits of Christian thought, form intuitions that are based upon biblical truth, and live in faithfulness to all that Christ teaches. This is no easy task, to be sure. Just as Christian discipleship requires growth and development, intel- lectual faithfulness requires a lifetime of devoted study, conse- crated thinking, and analytical reflection.”  5 5. EDUCATION THAT AIMS TO STIR UP RIGHT HEART AFFECTIONS AND ACTIONS Some of Jesus’ harshest language was aimed at the Pharisees, who had a vast knowledge of Scripture but whose hearts were far from God. In the same way, our students need 20 more than knowledge. Heaven or hell is at stake. They need a radical heart transformation resulting in repentance of sin, trusting in Christ alone for salvation, walking in newness of life, and submitting to His ways. While only God can bring about this Spirit-wrought, grace-dependent transformation, it is our responsibility to guide and implore our students to personally and rightly respond to God’s Word. 6. EDUCATION THAT IS RELATIONAL Christian education includes a relational element that is both vertical (God) and horizontal (others). We should impress upon our students that the horizontal element is God’s design for His covenant people. The Christian life is to be lived out in community with other believers, found first in the Christian family and the church, and to a less- er extent, in Christian schools. Discipleship occurs as we share life together, practicing the “one another” commands of Scripture so that we grow into the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:11-16). This relational focus also includes embracing the Great Commission—being moved and equipped to share the hope of Christ with the lost. 7. EDUCATION THAT INTEGRATES AND CONNECTS BIBLICAL TRUTH TO ALL OF LIFE A growing number of children from Christian families are rejecting the faith. Additionally, many who are believers are living in confusion, being “tossed to and fro” as they navigate the world in which they live. They struggle to make sense of issues like transgenderism, politics, climate change, and more. Even seemingly mundane issues such as schoolwork, sports, friendships, possessions, movies, and the choice of a future career can appear disconnected from biblical truth. We must demonstrate how biblical truth is like a lens for seeing and interpreting all of life. No subject is outside its authoritative domain. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2. 8. EDUCATION THAT INSPIRES WORSHIP OF GOD WITH THE GLORY OF GOD AS ITS GOAL Take a peek into the throne room of God for a moment: “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory” Revelation 19:6b-7a. The ultimate goal of Christian education is to see our chil- dren and students among this heavenly multitude worship- ping God for all eternity, experiencing Christ as their all- satisfying treasure and joy! We cannot bring about worship, but we can inspire and fuel it by the manner in which we teach. “Dry, unemotional, indifferent teaching about God—wheth-