he denied the possibility of a soul, a creator, a purpose for
life, and evil. A study of Marxism reveals the root of this
worldview is atheism.
With Frederick Engels, Marx wrote a manifesto to the
world that included the overthrow of capitalism, the aboli-
tion of private property, the elimination of the family, and
the overthrow of all governments. From an economic view-
point, Marx hated free markets, capitalism, and their roots
in the Protestant Reformation.
Marx envisioned a new society of men without morals
for guidance. He wanted to live in a classless and non-
competitive society. His goal was to overthrow all existing
governments, economies, and societies with Marxism.
Marx valued people only for what they could do for the
state. In fact, in this worldview, the value of life is so low
that over 100,000,000 people lost their lives due to the rise
of Marxism/Communism in the 20th century. This is the
fruit of Marxism.
If you look at the root of Marxism (atheism) and the fruit
of it (death), you see it is a dangerous worldview. Compare
this worldview with Christianity where the root is Jesus,
and the fruit is life. As you look at the differences in these
worldviews, you find a radical contrast!
In his book, How Should We Then Live, Francis Schaeffer
said, “If we are to understand how we should live today, then
we must understand the cultural and intellectual forces that
brought us to this day.” One hundred years later, Gramsci’s
and Marx’s goal of undermining the Christian worldview in
the west is coming to fruition. Our Judeo-Christian founda-
tions seem to be crumbling, and the anti-God, anti-family,
and anti-capitalist views seem to be gaining ground.
The Bible warns us about deception. Galatians 6:7 tells us
we reap what we sow. The education of our children, our
grandchildren, and our neighbor’s children is one of the
primary means of sowing a worldview. What worldview
is being sown into the hearts and minds of your children
through their education? ■
Mark Koscak has been the Director of Development at Providence Academy in Johnson
City, TN for 17 years. Mark spent 20 years in the business world in various leadership posi-
tions before he was called full-time to raise funds for Providence Academy. He is the creator
and director of the Christian Storytelling Concert (christianstorytellingconcert.com), a schol-
arship fundraiser that edifies the Christian community through story and song. Mark also
helps a variety of other schools and ministries with their development programs. Mark is
married to Beth, and they have two children who attend Liberty University.
Grave Influence by Brannon Howse
The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen
God vs. Socialism by Joel McDurmon
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