The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 42

SIX CHARACTERISTICS of a Vibrant Family Ministry: Part 1 of 2 C HURCH LEADERS must develop a clear understand- ing of the doctrine of the Church (known as ecclesiol- ogy) and its application for ministry to children and youth in order to establish a vibrant ministry. The Bible has much to say about the characteristics of a healthy church. Sound doctrine protects against pastoral malpractice, Christians who minimize the Church, or the temptation to absorb substitute methods for discipleship such as pragmatism, psychology, and science. • Pragmatism pollutes the Church with a fixation on what works as the measure of success. With good intentions, we do whatever it takes to attract as many people as possible to the Church, but we unknowingly compro- mise God’s Word in an effort to be contemporary, rele- vant, and reach the world. • Psychology subtly replaces God’s Word as a source of truth for Christian living and biblical counseling. With big hearts, we want to provide help for others, but we unknowingly undermine the sufficiency of Scripture with behaviorism due to the faulty belief that the Bible provides direction for salvation but not for practical living and problem-solving help. 42 • Science substitutes man’s word as the authority for truth over God’s Word. The Church, in an attempt to reach the culture, has tried to merge secular views of science (such as evolution) with the Bible. The campaign to make the Church “contemporary” in the world’s eyes has resulted in it being one step behind culture. We look awkward in the process and drift into relativistic ways of thinking. We’re less willing to fight for the truth so as not to alienate or offend the seeking non-Christian or de-churched person who attends the attraction-de- signed weekend service. We desperately need to hear what God says about the Church and apply His principles to reach and disciple the next generation. Rather than pragmatic approaches and psychology solutions that dominate our thinking, we need to ask God, “What are your instructions for the Church?” Jesus established the Church and brings about growth. Jesus purchased the Church with His blood, which means it is not ours to manipulate. The Church is God’s means to defend truth, declare the gospel, and disciple the nations. We need to hear God’s plan for and His methods to lead His Church. The characteristics of a vibrant family ministry are