The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 30

Foundational biblical principles are useful tools that contain the seeds of all other principles and produce a harvest of the knowledge and love of God. They are adapt- able to any lesson, any subject, any issue, or any method of teaching. Because the principle is the cause, source, or origin of a thing, or “a general truth or a law comprehending many subordinate truths,” 2 foundational principles create a whole context that becomes one structure of truth. blessed and made perfect when we choose to be governed by Christ (Rom 6:11-14). How important to teach our children from the cradle this simple biblical principle—consenting to be governed by God who knows best what makes us happy, free, creative, productive, and peaceful people. Can young children understand such concepts as indi- viduality (created for a purpose) and Christian self-govern- ment (obedience to God)? Absolutely. For instance, in the classroom, when teachers invite chil- GOD’S PRINCIPLE OF INDIVIDUALITY dren to give consent to abide by a class constitution specify- The first of seven principles 3 is God’s principle of individual- ing expected classroom behavior, the children freely choose ity: God made us in His image for a providential purpose, to be governed by law when they understand it is estab- which can only be fulfilled through Christ’s redemption lished to protect and free them. They have the opportunity (Eph 2:10). Notice, it is God’s principle of individuality that to reason through the articles of the constitution and test apprehends the dynamic relationship between a good and their appropriateness. They begin to understand that conse- purposeful Creator and those invested with His image. This quences are built into the laws of the universe. Children principle emphasizes identity learn they possess the ‘title’ to and purpose—the very roots of their own individual conscienc- our understanding of life. This es and that they possess this title profound and omnipresent prin- by consent. 5 They learn experi- ciple should be identified in every entially that exercising consent “If we neglect this sacred acquires a consequence, either subject as it cultivates the knowl- blessing or something less than edge of God but also affection for duty, the secular culture God’s best. By consent, children God and for His goodness. Every will certainly inoculate our learn the reality of consequenc- individual child needs a name, es, repentance, forgiveness, and a place, a passion, and a story. children against absolute restoration. It is clear the devil God’s principle of individuali- truth, breed in them a didn’t make them do it, and the ty gives all four—a unique and dog didn’t eat their homework. valued identity, a harbor of safety deadly apathy, and instill Internalizing a love of law and in a conflicted world, a love of all an opposing worldview its benefits to protect life and goodness, and a personal place in property initially launches this God’s providential history. hostile to God.” happy classroom setting. When We can teach the youngest children are invited to give their child the little rhyme, “God made consent from their own under- me special, like no one else you standing of the possible conse- see. He made me a witness to quences, the student may reason, His diversity.” 4 We can show the “If everyone consents, my property is safe, and I can be a youngest child that history is really ‘Christ, His Story’— successful learner.” The Christian principle of self-govern- God’s relationship with man. We can show our students the ment illustrates the maxim, “I am properly self-governed reflection of God and His character in science and math as when I’m governed by Christ.” Children learn that if they we find eternity in the stars and infinity in the numbers. If are internally governed under Christ, there is less external we fail to poise the hearts of our children toward Christ in control necessarily exerted over them. They taste liberty. every ordinary way, we leave space for man to be glorified These two foundational principles, God’s principle of indi- in the void. viduality and the Christian principle of self-government, are at the heart of the issues of life. They set the understanding CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT of true Christian liberty in the hearts of children as a hedge The second of seven principles is the Christian principle of against the deception of collectivism and tyranny in all self-government: knowing God through Christ teaches me to forms. The first two principles, applicable in all of life, build obey him and enjoy liberty with law, which apprehends the the Christian character and the self-respect of the child. freedom in, and responsibility of, bearing the image of God Children of all ages respond warmly to basic principles and conforming to His law. This second foundational prin- as illustrated by a mother who visited our school with her ciple shows that though we are free to self-govern, we are 30