The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 9
“We have generations who
largely believe they are their
own god, and their world-
view is predominantly one
of moral relativism.”
And so began the battle of the only two religions. A battle
between God’s Word and fallible, sinful man’s word—a reli-
gion of man being his own god and trusting his own word.
The same battle is raging today. Sadly, in our Western
world, God’s Word has been denigrated and by and large
has been thrown out of public schools. Now we have gener-
ations who largely believe they are their own god, and their
worldview is predominantly one of moral relativism.
Once you cease building your thinking on the absolute
authority of God’s Word, then ultimately anything goes, if
you can get away with it.
Now, religions based on man’s word take on many differ-
ent forms: Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age, Baha’i faith,
Zoroastrianism, Satanism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Deism,
Taoism, Shinto, Unitarianism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Mate-
rialism, Christian syncretism with evolution, and other
belief systems.
In 2017, AiG conducted a unique conference featuring
specialist speakers. At this conference, we wanted to equip
people to know how to counter these man-based religions.
It’s so important for believers to know how to engage
people who hold to a false, man-based religion. To assist you
in becoming equipped, AiG is now making our entire world
religions conference available as a DVD set titled World
Religions Conference: Biblical Foundations and Modern Reli-
gions. Visit to get your copy.
Make sure you know how to “contend for the faith” (Jude
3) and be active in the battle over the two religious views! ■
Ken Ham is a former public school science teacher and the founder and president of An-
swers in Genesis, the highly acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark En-
counter. He is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Ken has
edited and authored many books about the authority of God’s Word and the impact of
evolutionary thinking on our culture, including the best seller, Already Gone. Read his blog
Copyright © 2018 Answers in Genesis. All Rights Reserved. The article is reprinted here by
permission of Answers in Genesis. (Answers® and Answers in Genesis® are registered trade-
marks of Answers in Genesis, Inc.) For more information regarding Answers in Genesis, go
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The Biblical Worldview Toolkit helps families,
churches, and schools intentionally teach
the next generation key truths of Scripture.
The Biblical Worldview Toolkit includes the following
seven books, one magazine, two DVDs, and a CD:
Big Beliefs by David Helm
Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side by Natasha Crain
Science Confirms the Bible DVD by Ken Ham
Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias
Preparing Children for Marriage by Josh Mulvihill
The Answers Book for Kids, Vol. 1 by Ken Ham
Evolution vs. God DVD
What Does the Bible Say About That? by Kevin Swanson
The Renewanation Review Magazine by Renewanation
Big Story CD by Josh Mulvihill