F ounder’s Pen
from the
Dear Reader,
There has been a dramatic shift in thinking about America. Accord-
ing to a survey conducted by the polling firm YouGov, younger
Americans (38 and younger) have a vastly different view of our
country than older Americans. 1
• 46% do not believe America is the greatest country in the world
• 50% believe America is a sexist nation
• 49% believe America is a racist nation
• 38% do not agree America has a history we should be proud of
• 19% of millennials (roughly 18-38 years old) believe the Ameri-
can flag is a sign of intolerance and hatred
The statistics go on and on showing that for the last 30 years, our schools have trained our children to dislike our
nation. Our schools have also re-written American history and have distorted the view of our Founding Fathers and the
Christian principles our nation was built on. We can all agree our nation has never been perfect, and God has judged
us for our sin. However, the American experiment, built on Judeo-Christian ideas, has produced the most productive,
secure, and peaceful nation in the history of mankind.
We publish this magazine to help awaken parents, pastors, and anyone who will listen to the urgent need to teach the
children living today the truth about God, history, science, and every other subject.
I hope you will join us in this tremendous effort to save our children and our nation.
Renewing our nation, one child at a time,
Jeff Keaton
Renewanation Founder & CEO
Our schools have also re-written
American history and have distorted
the view of our Founding Fathers
and the Christian principles our
nation was built on.”
1. Fox & Friends, “Nearly Half of Young Americans Believe US Is Racist and Not
‘Greatest’ Country, Survey Finds,” Fox News Insider, November 29, 2018, insider.