The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 16

Church Revitalization for Children’s, Youth, and Family Ministry By Dr. Josh Mulvihill T here are reactive and proactive reasons why church leaders seek help from Renewanation. Typically, a senior pastor or church leader contacts us with questions about a specific issue within the children’s or youth ministry of a church. Chief among the problems are reactive reasons to partner with Renewanation: • Attendance has plateaued or declined. Student atten- dance is declining, and families are leaving. • Conflict exists between pastoral leadership and members of the congregation. Often, there is a grow- ing dissatisfaction with ministry approach or ministry results. • A lack of vision and ministry direction. Revitalization requests based on a desire to proactively address the health and growth of the church’s children or youth ministry fall into six primary areas: • The church is healthy and growing and would like to be intentional about the next season of ministry. • The church does not have a plan for their children’s, youth, or family ministry and wants to develop a stra- tegic plan. • The children and youth ministries are doing okay, but the church is unsure of its strengths and weaknesses and the next phase of ministry. • A church leader wants to save time by assessing and addressing issues more quickly than he could with his own staff. • There is a change in ministry leadership, which provides an opportunity to assess the current state of ministry and create a new plan. The church revitalization program was created in response to five major needs: 1. Poor evangelism and discipleship results Many churches invest a significant amount of re- sources to reach and disciple the next generation, yet unprecedented numbers of young people are walking away from Christ and the church. We help family min- 16 istries reach young people with the gospel, retain them in the life of the church, and raise them in the Lord, so they have a deep and lasting faith. 2. Undeveloped theology and ministry philosophy Many churches base their children’s and youth min- istry approach on the latest trend or the large church down the road rather than the Bible. Children and youth ministry methodology have largely remained stagnant for decades while families have grown dys- functional and culture has changed significantly. We help churches build their ministry on a strong biblical foundation and methods. 3. Lack of family discipleship and biblical worldview development Most churches have a strong desire to support the home but struggle to implement any regular, system- atic training. Parents often outsource the faith training of their children to paid church professionals and substitute church programming for family discipleship. Research reveals low numbers of young people develop a biblical worldview. We help churches equip parents and grandparents as well as integrate biblical world- view training into their ministry. 4. No ministry measurements or intentional plan A majority of family ministry leaders do not have a ministry measurement system in place and typically have no long-term plan for the spiritual develop- ment of young people. We help churches measure ministry results and develop a strategic plan. 5. Lack of coaching Many children’s and youth leaders have limited theo- logical education or church experience and benefit from godly counsel in their life. We provide coaching to help church leaders faithfully steward the important role God has given them.