The RenewaNation Review 2019 Volume 11 Issue 1 | Page 10

changes have resulted in increasingly complex plants and animals with millions of new structures and behaviors like DNA, sexual reproduction, migration, lungs, eyes, wings, bones, scales, feathers, leaves, flowers, seeds, new body plans, and entirely new species and classes of animals and plants. Compare this teaching to Genesis 1 where God says each creature reproduced its own kind. • “We can observe and measure evolution directly, and many biologists conduct experiments on evolving popu- lations. ... In addition, we can directly observe a record of the history of evolution in the fossil record over the almost unimaginably long periods of geological time. ... The fact that biological populations evolve, however, is not disput- ed among biologists.”   6 • “The millions of species that live on Earth today emerged over time, with each new species arising from an already existing species.”   7 “So how much poison does it take to render the water in a good well unfit to drink?” Human Beings Descended from Earlier, More Primitive Primates These textbooks assert that human beings are not special creations but are evolved from earlier ancestors just like all other species: “Many species in our genus existed before our species, Homo sapiens, appeared. Furthermore, at least three other Homo species existed at the same time as early humans.”  8 Compare this teaching with Genesis 1–2 which teaches that humans were made in God’s own image as male and female as His final, unique act of creation. CHILDREN WILL BE LIKE THEIR TEACHERS How do these textbook teachers and the human teachers who use them affect the youth who study them? The Barna Group, Pew Research, and others have compiled consider- 10 able statistics documenting the youth exodus from churches and the Christian faith follow- ing high school and college. For me, this is not just more statistics; it is my personal experience. I was raised in a devout Christian home by godly parents, steeped in Scripture, baptized at age eight, called to Christian service at age fourteen, educated in public schools—and was almost apostate by the time I was age twenty-one! What happened? During seven years of high school and college, I discovered a love for science and the theory of evolution through my biology classes in high school and my zoology major in college. During those seven years, I was thoroughly indoctrinated in the theory of evolution, finding it persuasive, sensible, intellectually appealing, and unchallenged by any scientific view of Genesis and Scrip- ture. At age twenty-one, I was about to push my faith over the cliff of apostasy when the Lord called me back from the edge. He asked me two questions: “Do you believe I am?” Years of anchoring in the Word, Scripture memory, and training shaped my answer, and I replied, “Yes, I do.” Then He asked me, “Then how can what I have made be at odds with who I am?” This brief conversation with God began my journey back to full faith and a biblical worldview of science and education. My story of falling away and almost losing my faith is not unique. Untold thousands of youth and adults have left their