The RenewaNation Review 2018 Volume 10 Issue 2 | Page 45

programs that were not possible with- ers, students, parents, and church out their combined enrollment. Once members. Multiple forums were “By supporting one another, connected, these two schools jointly synchronized around a timeline to sharing resources, and devel- engaged in athletic and spiritual ensure key stakeholders were present- emphasis programs, facilitating the ed the path forward and allowed to oping a collaborative plan, development of solid relationships address their questions and concerns Christian schools can claim among school leaders, parents, and in a timely fashion prior to the end of much more ground in the the student body. that school year. Each communica-   In the middle of the second year of tion was designed specifically for the fight for His children.” collaboration, the potential long-term target audience. fruit of this synergistic relationship  While developing the perfect was obvious. However, aligning two recipe for partnership is not possible, Christian school boards and two church boards around given the varying circumstances surrounding each situation, a mutual path forward presented a significant challenge. there are certainly a few key success factors to incorporate Renewanation facilitated discussions between the two into a Christian school collaboration effort: pastors, each from different denominational backgrounds, 1. Identify a “Big Picture” Champion to Facilitate Collabo- to establish alignment on primary doctrinal issues and ration → Objective, Trusted Facilitator structure a conceptual path for partnering. These two 2. Secure Leadership Commitment and Alignment → Big Kingdom-minded pastors agreed that the greatest impact “K” Kingdom Focus to the local community and God’s Kingdom would be 3. Foster Teamwork and Build Trust → Event-based, realized outside of growing either of their own church and Relationship-building Approach school kingdoms. Their focus must be on the overall health 4. Establish a Win-Win Agreement → Prayerful, Joint Core (spiritual, academic, financial, etc.) of the two entities to Team Sharing the Vision accomplish the shared goal of increasing the number of 5. Pay Attention to the Details → Thorough Assessment of children that would receive a biblical worldview education. All Christian School Elements Space considerations, existing enrollment numbers, and 6. Plan Communications Carefully → Crafted with Audi- neighboring educational options helped to solidify which ence and Timing in Mind school would become the feeder entity. With a general   As the new school year was launched, the combined framework outlined, both school boards and both church enrollment from the two Christian schools grew from leadership teams voted to begin detailed discussions. 212 to 270, a 27% increase. Thirteen of the fifteen eligible   Covered in continual prayer, a collaborative “tiger team” students made the transition from the feeder school to with trusted representatives from each Christian school and the partner high school, with the other two students also each church leadership team was assembled to establish a remaining in Christian education (one homeschooled, one collaborative path forward. Renewanation facilitated the in another neighboring Christian school). Additionally, team through a two-month process to map out key consid- each school reported improved financial health as a result erations including schedules, curriculum, extracurricular of the collaborative path. These pastors and administrators activities, transportation, and tuition rates. Finally, the team gained a refreshing realization that partnering could estab- designed a tuition-sharing program for students transition- lish a better foundation for God to provide growth and yield ing from the feeder school, providing financial benefit to amazing results. both schools. This step confirmed the commitment from   Partnering cultivates impactful Kingdom rewards. Stay each school to make this partnership a long-term, “win-win” open to how God may use your Christian school to reach relationship. With trust already secured over the past school more children in your community with a biblical worldview year and a common goal clearly articulated from leadership, education. For further discussion on how Renewanation these detailed discussions were both positive and productive. can best support your Christian school, contact us today at   As is often the case, the most difficult aspect of this transition was communication: to board members, teach- [email protected] or 1-855-TO-RENEW.  45