F ounder’s Pen
from the
Dear Reader,
I don’t know if we can call it a wave yet, but I do know that every-
where we go, we are finding parents and pastors who are gaining
a new appreciation for the need to give the children in their care a
biblical worldview.
Recently, I have been speaking in churches from coast to coast. I
have been amazed at the openness to our message. At one church,
where I spoke to a couple thousand people, parents and public
school teachers lined up to talk to me. They were hungry for the
truth I had shared and confirmed over and over again that we are
right on target with our message.
If our mission in life is to ensure that our children and grandchildren come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ,
then we must do whatever it takes to help make this a reality. We must be super intentional about teaching our
children God’s truth, and we must be equally intentional in preventing others from teaching them anything that
would lead them away from God’s truth.
In this issue of The Renewanation Review magazine, you will find articles that will challenge, encourage, and
motivate you to be involved in the cause of giving children a biblical worldview. If you haven’t thought much about
the worldview development of your children, you will no doubt have a lot of thinking to do after reading through
each article. If you’re a veteran in this battle for the hearts and minds of children, you will be blessed again and
again as you read.
My prayer for each one of you is that you will not merely be stirred but that you will be spurred into action. If
you are a parent, do whatever it takes to make sure your child is developing a biblical worldview. If you are a
grandparent, choose to invest in the spiritual development of your grandchildren. If you are a pastor, take a new,
in-depth look at how well your church is discipling the children in your care. If you’re a Christian school educator
or homeschool educator, make a new commitment to integrate biblical worldview into all subject areas and invest
in your students so that they will become the next generation of world-class Christian influencers.
Once you have read through this issue, please pass it along to others. If we will work together, we can see untold
numbers of young men and women come to know Christ, develop a biblical worldview, and change our world.
Renewing our nation, one child at a time,
Jeff Keaton
Renewanation Founder & CEO
If our mission in life is to ensure that
our children and grandchildren come
to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ,
then we must do whatever it takes to
help make this a reality.”