Accountability Coaching
By Ron Gordon - Executive Vice
President & COO of Renewanation
HEN YOU HEAR the word accountability, what do
you think of? Does the mental image of a harassing
drill sergeant quickly form in your mind? When conducted
with gentle yet honest guidance, accountability can be
highly productive in shaping and repositioning leadership
and organizations.
In the past two issues of The Renewanation Review, we
explored the power of assessment in understanding the
current state of a Christian school and the critical role of
strategic planning and deployment in developing a thorough
plan of attack for reaching a stated mission. Assessment and
planning are both crucial; however, execution is where the
rubber meets the road and unfortunately where many lead-
ers and school boards fail in their efforts to strengthen their
Christian school.
Accountability coaching is a powerful method to ensure
both solid execution and lasting change. As with most lead-
ership roles, a Christian school headmaster can be a lonely
one. Faculty and staff are expecting direction and support,
parents and students are expecting guidance and solutions,
and board members are evaluating your every move.
The Christian school leaders we’ve provided with account-
ability coaching have come to view our revitalization support
team as their trusted advisors and advocates. They become
dear friends, reaching out to us routinely to share their joys,
frustrations, and challenges. We help them by:
• Pulling their focus back on the important items that
often get lost in the tyranny of the urgent
• Sharing best practices and benchmarking information
• Sequencing their improvement priorities to develop a
connected path to the future