The RenewaNation Review 2017 Volume 9 Issue 2 | Page 27

tual passivity in Christian men traces its roots all the way back to Genesis, to the very beginning of mankind itself.   Instead of protecting and shielding his wife from the serpent’s influence, Adam stood idly by while she was tempted into sin. When husbands and fathers fail to initiate that leadership and influence, a void is created, and women typically see the need and step in to fill it.   According to Scripture, the home, above everywhere else, is the epicenter of spiritual development. It is the primary place where the baton of faith is passed on or dropped. God’s command to Moses in Deuteronomy 6:5–9 speaks to the practical, daily nature of imparting faith to our children. It begins by “loving the Lord your God with all your heart.” A dynamic relationship with God is a dad’s greatest asset. And that requires knowing both God’s Son, Jesus, and God’s Word, the Bible.   Unfortunately, in our fallen world, many homes are broken. Mothers and others must often raise the children alone. But God promises to fill the gaps for the “father- less and widow.” The Role of the Local Church Through what Paul called a “falling away from the faith” (1 Tim 4:1, ASV), many churches and even denomina- tions have abandoned the faith Jesus commanded them to pass on. What was Paul’s remedy for this coming epidemic of apostasy? Stay true to the Word of God (1 Tim 4:16)!   Paul admonished pastor Timothy with these timely words: “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3:14–15).   Two words stand out in Paul’s admonition. The first is “learned.” Timothy had been taught the Scripture “from childhood,” faithfully passed down to him from his grandmother to his mother, and then finally to Timothy (2 Tim 1:5). And now Timothy was doing the same thing with “faithful men,” who in turn were to “teach others also” (2 Tim 2:1–2).   Many churches today are focused on using their church services and ministries for evangelistic purposes, often “If the education system is not for Christ, then it is against Him.” to the neglect of equipping believers. But the church’s primary job is to train (disciple) followers of Christ, not to reach the world (Eph 4:11–16). Believers themselves are to be salt and light, reaching the lost with the gospel “as they are going” into the world (Mt 28:18–20). We are to gather for edification and equipping and to scatter into the world for evangelism.   Sadly, many churches think entertainment is what the twenties generation wants, instead of giving them the answers they need to know so they can trust God’s Word from the beginning. Personally, I’ve found the twenties generation are hungry for answers! But the church also needs to be involved in training men to be husbands and fathers, and women to be wives and mothers.   What this says to us is that pastors should teach the whole Bible to the believers in the church. Not that they have to cover every detail in Scripture’s 66 books, but the idea is that fathers and families are given a solid working understanding of the Bible as a whole, along with an ability to understand and articulate a defense of God’s Word and God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Public School, Private Decision Earlier I pointed out that an “elephant in the room” was the fact that so many Christian leaders have compro- mised with millions of years or ignore this strategic issue. But there’s another “elephant in the room.” Nearly 90% of kids from church homes attend government-run schools in the United States.   Both the National Education Association teacher union and the Department of Education claim that public schools are neutral and not religious. But that is simply untrue. Through required curricula, public schools are imposing the religion of naturalism or athe- ism on generations of students.   Now, I realize this is a very emotional topic for people. But I ask you to consider it from a biblical perspective. The Bible teaches, “He who is not with Me is against Me, 27