The RenewaNation Review 2017 Volume 9 Issue 2 | Page 16

Undoing Dewey One Student at a Time One way to undo Dewey’s impact is to help parents make an intentional and informed decision regarding the education of their children. Too many parents follow the world’s way without the intentional pursuit of godly wisdom to make this decision. Parents should use prayer, Bible study, biblical counsel, and a strong desire to teach children the fear of the Lord to help them review the educational options available. The research will not only uncover the option of state educa- tion that denies God but will also reveal a rich variety of answers that honor God and restore many of the aspects of education that were lost in the implementation of Dewey’s vision. Options include homeschool, Christian school, university model school, educational co-ops, and more. Who can you encourage to make a prayerfully informed and intentional educational decision for their children? Undoing Dewey Through Christian Education Ministries good citizen is a radical activist as contrasted with the old civics classes that taught the foundations of law, liberty, and self-government. 6 Dewey’s Impact on American Culture To say that Dewey has impacted our culture is an under- statement. We may not agree with his philosophy, but we must give credit where credit is due: John Dewey’s vision transformed the American educational landscape. The result of his vision for our culture and country is overwhelming, and it begs the question, “How do we undo the damage that Dewey has wrought?” How do we get back to: • a Christ-centered education that provides students with a biblical worldview? • giving the responsibility to educate our children back to the parents? • teachers that model Christianity and teach a Bible-based curriculum that holds Christ as the center of all things? • an education that recognizes the six days of creation while examining the theory of evolution? • teaching children to think for themselves? • an emphasis on literacy and the three Rs during the early school years? • striving for excellence and a love of learning versus citizenship? 16 Another way to undo Dewey is to support and promote Christian education ministries. Inspire your pastor and church to embrace their local Christian schools and homeschools and encourage the families who choose these forms of K-12 education. Start or assist groups that are reaching public school students through Christian clubs and Christian after-school programs. Join the cause of Renewanation whose vision is “to see culture transformed by giving millions of children a biblical worldview.” There are numerous ways to partner with ministries that are on the front lines in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children. Discover more at  Mark Koscak is Director of Development at Providence Acad- emy in Johnson City, TN. Mark spent 20 years in the business world in various leadership positions before he was called full-time to raise funds for Providence Academy. He is also the creator and director of the Christian Storytelling Festival (chris-, a scholarship fundraiser that edi- fies the Christian community through story and song and has included guest artists The Isaacs, Steven Curtis Chapman, and more. Mark is married to Beth, and they have two children. FOOTNOTES 1. Ellis Washington, “John Dewey’s Dunces,”, last modified January 25, 2013, 2. David Vaillancourt, “The Dewey Deception,” The Middle Road, last modified February 18, 2016, 3. John Dewey, The Primary Education Fetish (1898), 315-328. 4. John Dewey, The University School (University of Chicago Press, 1896), 128. 5. Emily Ekins, “Poll: Americans Like Free Markets More than Capitalism and Socialism More Than a Govt Managed Economy,”, last modified February 12, 2015, free-markets-more-th. 6. Colleen Flaherty, “Report Warns of ‘New Civics,’ Seeks Requirement,” Inside-, last modified January 11, 2017, https://www.insidehighered. com/quicktakes/2017/01/11/report-warns-new-civics-seeks-requirement.