F ounder’s Pen
from the
Dear Reader,
While dining at a restaurant recently, I couldn’t help but overhear
a conversation taking place at the table next to me between a
college-aged daughter, her mother, and her uncle. The uncle asked
the young lady, “So how has your college experience changed your
views about life?” Immediately, the young lady mentioned that she
and her mother no longer saw eye to eye on some issues. She then
stated that she had come to believe that women should have the
right to choose an abortion. The man quickly began to defend a biblical position on the subject. He was thought-
ful, well-informed, and a very good communicator. Unfortunately, the young lady didn’t seem to be fazed by his
arguments. She was sticking with what she had been taught at college.
I pray that over time this college student will move back to a biblical view of this issue. However, this story is being
played out and has been played out in the lives of millions of Christian students and parents. Many believe that it’s
only the secular college experience that we should be concerned about. I am fully convinced that the main reason
so many Christian college students lose their faith is because they have not been properly trained in their K-12
years. Their foundation is eroded through secular education from the time they are five years old. The secular
college environment simply serves to throw the knockout punch that topples their faith.
As you read this issue of The Renewanation Review, I encourage you to read with an open mind. What we have been
doing over the last 40 years has not worked. We have lost millions of our Christian children to the lies of secularism.
It is time that we get serious about helping this generation of children develop a biblical worldview. When we do
this, they will stand on their faith and for their faith no matter where God places them in society.
Renewing our nation, one child at a time,
Jeff Keaton
Renewanation Founder & CEO
It is time that we get serious about
helping this generation of children
develop a biblical worldview.