90% of America’s children spend
16,000 hours of their young lives in
schools that fail to teach the truth
about God and His Word.
Do not lay up
for yourselves
treasures on
earth, where
moth and rust
destroy and
where thieves
break in and
but lay up for
treasures in
Matthew 6:19-20a
us to hire new team members who are raising
millions of dollars to help give children a bibli-
cal worldview. All throughout eternity, men
and women will find him and tell him how his
gift resulted in their salvation. Long after he is
in heaven, those influenced by his gifts will be
impacting our world for Christ. This is what it
looks like to lay up treasures in heaven.
God is moving in a powerful way through
the work of Renewanation and many Christian
schools. Is He speaking to your heart about
coming alongside Renewanation or your local
Christian school to help impact more kids? I
invite you to call our office or your local school
office to schedule a call or personal meeting.
We would be honored to help you better
understand how you can lay up treasures in
heaven by supporting the ministry of biblical
worldview education.
Give to the cause that is teaching
children biblical truth.
Your gift to Renewanation will:
• Bring the hope of Christ to many children
• Start new Christian schools
• Revitalize existing
Christian schools
• Build our biblical
worldview training
program & more!