for Human Values at Princeton University, where Singer
teaches, said on the occasion of the Center’s 25th anniver-
sary: “The University Center has provoked not one or two,
but thousands of students ... to tackle important ethical ques-
tions, central to living a more examined life and creating a
better society. ... [It is] nothing less, to my mind, than the
ideal collegial environment for doing this important work,
unsurpassed anywhere in the world.” 2
These statements represent the philosophies and so-called
“ethics” of what is taught in our institutions of learning in
our modern age. We have come a long way from what was
published in Life magazine in 1965 and by Planned Parent-
hood in 1952. Even though many Christians are shocked
by the moral decline these examples represent, few take the
time to try and figure out how this happened and what we
can do about it.
These are just a few of the many examples of the destruc-
tive consequences that result when the majority of children
and youth receive a secular education. When God is
removed from education, human life is not seen as being
divinely created. Evolution becomes the only answer for
explaining the origin of life. The result is that man becomes
a mechanistic part of nature and has no value greater than
any other part of the natural world. The sanctity of human
life disappears from society, and a baby in a mother’s womb
is simply seen as tissue that can be tossed in a trash can.
When I ask Christians why they keep sending their
children to secular education programs, the most common
answer I get goes something like this: “I attended public
school. I survived, and I’m a good Christian.” When one
considers examples like the ones above, I must again ask,
have we survived secular education?
Dr. Glen Schultz has given his life to educating future gen-
erations according to God’s plan. After five years in public
education, he entered the field of Christian education, where
he has been a teacher, coach, principal, and superintendent.
He has directed the Christian school work at LifeWay Christian
Resources, served as the Association of Christian Schools Inter-
national Southeast Regional Director, Superintendent of Liberty
Christian Academy in Lynchburg, Virginia, and Headmaster of Sherwood Christian
Academy. Currently, Dr. Schultz serves as founder and director of Kingdom Education
Ministries. He is the author of Kingdom Education: God’s Plan for Educating Future
Generations and several parenting booklets. Glen and his wife, Sharon, have three
children and six grandchildren and live in Summerville, SC. He is a member of the
Renewanation Board of Directors.
1. “FAQ,” Peter Singer, accessed May 12, 2017,
2. “About the Center,” Princeton University, accessed May 12, 2017, https://
Written by Joy Budensiek
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