I believe Christians first need to take a hard look at how
we got here, and then carefully consider the solutions from
God’s Word. We serve a powerful God who has given us
everything we need if we will trust in His Word and the
unchanging power of the Holy Spirit.
How Did We Get Here?
How did we get here? In 2014, Answers in Genesis commis-
sioned America’s Research Group to find some answers (see
graph below). The researchers found that most churchgo-
ers—of all ages—believe God’s Word is “inspired.” On the
surface, this sounds positive, but when the interviewers
probed deeper, they found several serious problems. Worst
of all, they found that many of these churchgoers, especially
the younger ones, believe the Bible contains errors.
I believe this is a huge warning sign to the church. When a
generation no longer builds its worldview on the foundation
of the absolute authority of God’s Word, the new generation
begins to question everything it says, including its moral-
ity. Then they do what is “right” in their own eyes (Judg
17:6, 21:25). Eventually, we reach a tipping point, a twisted
perspective where, like Israel, we “call evil good, and good
evil” (Isa 5:20).
The ARG study asked where these younger Christians
believe the Bible has errors. The most common answer was
the age of the earth (37%)! This group of Christians also
believe science has disproved Genesis and that the Flood did
not occur during Noah’s day. In other words, origins was a
major issue among those who believe the Bible has errors.
Doubting Genesis has had horrendous consequences. It
should come as no surprise that as generations are trained
to disbelieve the Bible’s account of origins, they also increas-
ingly doubt the rest of the Bible. That’s a part of the greater
satanic strategy that had its origin in the Garden of Eden. All
biblical doctrines (including marriage) are founded (directly
or indirectly) in the history found in Genesis 1–11. We see
the direct result of this doubt and compromise reflected in
the increasing acceptance of same-sex “marriage,” abortion,
and so on.
As the newest ARG research reveals, at the heart of what’s
wrong with our churches is a failure to accept and teach
clearly what the Bible reveals about the age of the earth. It is
the big “elephant in the room” that most Christian leaders
refuse to acknowledge. Or worse, they endorse compromise
by accepting the evolutionary idea of millions of years.
What do the twentysomethings in church really believe?
Imagine if you could open a window and look into the future to see where the American church will be.
In late 2014, America’s Research Group conducted extensive phone interviews with the younger
generations in US churches to see what they really think. 1 They found some troubling views.
65% believe you will
go to heaven if you
are a good person.
Age Differences:
When ARG compared
churchgoers on moral
issues, it became clear
just how much the
secular culture has
infiltrated the church.
in their 40s
in their 20s
43% do not consider
themselves born
67 %
50% do not believe
the earth is young.
56 %
23% believe God
used evolution to
change one kind of
animal to another
66 % 58 %
19% believe humans
evolved from ape-
like ancestors.
58 % 49 %