My brothers and sisters in Christ, if this doesn’t stir up
outrage in you for how our children are being morally
and spiritually assaulted through the public school system,
nothing will. We should be incensed and moved to action
on behalf of our kids! As Christians, aren’t we supposed to
take action to preserve families and protect children? Are
we content to just sit around complacently watching these
things happen as our kids are being inundated by evil? Why
are we indifferent to this evil that is escalating exponentially?
I’m reminded of the words of Dr. James Dobson, the
founder of Focus on the Family: “Christians have ‘dropped
the ball’ when it comes to acting to preserve families and
protect children. Our kids are being inundated by evil, and
what have we done? We’ve sat around and watched it happen.”
Our children are being morally and spiritually abused,
brainwashed, indoctrinated, and poisoned beyond measure
with the repulsive filth being relentlessly and methodically
implemented throughout our public school system. Where
is the sense of outrage that moves us as Christians beyond
mere indignation? We verbally express our abhorrence, but
there is no action! We file some lawsuits and boycott busi-
nesses, all while keeping our children in systems of educa-
tion that purposes to destroy them morally and spiritually.
Christian parents must draw their children under their
wings with a determined resolve to not allow their children
to be morally and spiritually abused! How can we allow our
children to daily be in this environment that is discipling
them in ways contrary to God’s Word? May we have the
courage to truly take a stand against the evil of our day, so
we will not have to say as Jeremiah did in Lamentations 1:16:
“This is why I weep and my eyes overflow with tears. No one is
near to comfort me, no one to restore my spirit. My children
are destitute because the enemy has prevailed.”
Michael Zanelli is a graduate of University of Notre Dame and
currently a member of the Brooklyn Tabernacle (since 1991).
He has been involved in prison ministry and is a former youth
group leader. He has written several books including a full
year daily devotional comprised of a series of six theme-based
booklets, Children's Creational entitled When God Created
The Heavens and The Earth, Personal Letters From the Heart of
God, and more. Michael passionately writes on his website (preservechristianfamily.
org) about the urgent need for Christian families across America to be mobilized to
stand against the evils of our day.
1. “Back to School Statistics,”,
2. “Parkway School Board Passes New Sex-Ed Curriculum,” stlouis.cbslocal.
com, last modified March 10, 2016,
3. Peter Sprigg, Homosexuality in Your Child’s School (2006), http://downloads.
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