Key 3: Biblical integration needs to be bathed in
prayer and be a calling from God.
Calling all melody makers!
Teachers who try to integrate biblical principles into teach-
ing without first seeking God will not be successful. It is
essential that teachers pray for opportunities to present the
Gospel to students through their teaching. Helping students
see their need of Him and how the biblical truths can affect
change in their lives is important. Just because we are
teaching in a Christian school/church, the teacher should
not assume all students are Christians. Allow students to
reject the message/gospel, if they choose, and don’t force
the students to agree with Christianity or force them to
believe. Instead, allow them to choose to believe and give
their own perspective. Asking students to “give an example
of something you’ve experienced as a Christian” or explain
something in light of “because you are a Christian…” puts
them in a difficult spot if they have not become a Christian
yet. However, students should be given ample opportunities
to make a decision for Christ.
“As Christian teachers, not only do we want
to honor God in our teaching, but we want
to clearly point students to Christ and help
them think from a biblical worldview.”
Biblical integration is the act of pointing to the foun-
dational biblical truths behind every content area for the
purpose of changing student performance as it relates to
that content. These three keys will allow teachers to be more
effective life-changers for Christ, so that students naturally
ask, “How does this content or lesson point to the revealed
nature of God and man’s ability to know and glorify Him?”
As teachers, we can only help students by first believing it
is our mission to present these truths in a way that affects
life-change in the students’ thoughts and actions, then
presenting the material in a natural way that students can
practically use. The resulting life-change is essentially the
biblical concept of discipleship (Matt 28:16-20).
Dr. Kristin Bird is the Chief School Officer for Renewanation,
helping to revitalize existing schools and start new schools.
She holds these degrees: BA, Fine Performing Arts/Biology
(Pre-Med), Chatham College; Master of Arts in Teaching (El-
ementary Education), University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. in Curricu-
lum and Instructional Leadership, Northcentral University. From
2006 through June of 2016, Dr. Bird helped to build Sevenstar
Online Academy into an international school. She is passionate about biblical world-
view integration in curriculum and is an innovative and creative educator.
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