People have been so conditioned to trust scientists, the
The predominant worldview in secular education is post-
priests in the religion of science, they don’t even question
modernism. This belief denies the reality of absolutes or the
them. In Ray Comfort’s video, Evolution vs. God, the college
ability to know if absolutes exist. According to postmodern-
students interviewed eventually acknowledged that it takes
ism, everyone has his own “story” which is just as true as
faith to believe in evolution. Many of the young people said
any other story because there is no grand metanarrative that
they believed in evolution because that’s what they had been
each story has to fit into. This means there is no objective
taught by a professor.
truth for a postmodernist. Truth is subjective.
Secular education is 100% sold out to evolution. This
In a video taken on the streets of Seattle, Dr. Christian
theory alone has resulted in more young people losing
Overman asked people to define right and wrong. In almost
faith in the validity of Scripture than perhaps any other
two hours of interviews, not one person expressed a biblical
theory. According to a recent national survey, 55% of
view of right and wrong. Most declared you could not know
American adults believe that “science and religion [are]
for sure what was right or wrong and the definition is differ-
often in conflict.” This same attitude can be found among
ent for every person.
young adults raised as Christians. Nearly a third of young
When we tell children there is no lawgiver who has given
people with a Christian background believe “churches are
us absolute laws to live by, it becomes the free-for-all we
out of step with the scientific
see today. American culture
world we live in,” and a quarter
is imploding from within as
of them think “Christianity is
every group screams for their
rights and demands to never be
As Christianity slides into a
offended. Political correctness
new dark age in America, more
has made it almost impossible
and is the ruler of this universe,
and more Christians are aban-
to give a speech and not highly
how can we possibly educate
doning the teachings of Scrip-
offend someone. In a world that
ture. Those, who do not believe
believes there are no absolute
in evolution, are ridiculed and
rules or laws, we are increas-
mentions His name or His
portrayed as ignorant. Science
ingly being oppressed with a
has become the standard,
new unspoken rule of law.
instead of the Word of God.
God’s laws were put in place
A biblical worldview educa-
to protect us, not restrict us.
tion acknowledges the theory
When we fail to teach our chil-
of evolution but teaches God created the world as described
dren His laws, we are guaranteeing them a life of confusion
in the Bible. Bible-believing creationists can be found in
and discord. Life does not work well without the peace that
almost every academic discipline and field of science. You
comes from living according to God’s design and plan.
don’t have to believe in the historical science of evolution
In Christian education, we teach kids God wrote His laws
to practice observational science such as chemistry or DNA
in the Bible for us to know and follow. His laws are absolutely
research. We’re all dealing with the same facts when it comes
right at all times and in every circumstance. This knowledge
to observational science.
serves as an anchor to young people who are trying to find
their way through the maze of life.
4. The proper foundation for teaching morality
The lack of belief in an absolute standard of right and wrong
has produced chaos in secular schools. If you’re old enough
to remember public school in the 40-60’s and compare them
with our schools today, it is unbelievable what has happened.
Even in the 70’s when my siblings and I attended public
school for a few years, there was plenty of sin, but Christians
were at least respected.
5. The truth about human sexuality
The harm being done to children in our schools concerning
this subject is a form of child abuse. Little boys and girls
who shouldn’t even be thinking about their sex are being
destroyed through social experimentation. How are we
letting this happen? According to state standards, students
as young as kindergarten age are taught “the many ways to