By Dr. Josh Mulvihill
IBLE-CENTERED LIVING is supremely important
in the lives of our children. Parents, grandparents,
and educators have the responsibility to teach children
to love the Bible and live according to God’s Word.
Most parents teach children to ride a bike, maintain an
automobile, and manage money, yet few parents train
children to daily read and meditate on God’s Word.
As a pastor, I encounter large numbers of Christians
who have never been taught how to have a quiet time
and do not read the Bible. As a result, biblical illiteracy is
high, moral relativism is common, and doctrinal confu-
sion is widespread.
Open God’s Word and be blessed by truth and beauty,
get captured by its depths and heights, and be captivated
by the glorious God in its pages. The joyful experience of
reading God’s Word is where great parenting and teach-
ing begins.
God tells us to “daily meditate” on His Word (Ps 1:2)
as well as “hide God’s Word in our heart” (Ps 119:11).
These commands apply to adults and children. Children
cannot live according to God’s ways if they do not know
God’s Words. Here are six ways to help your children
develop a love for God’s Word.
1. Develop the habit of reading the Bible
Your first priority is to spend time daily reading God’s
Word. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 states, “These command-
ments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
Impress them on your children.” God’s progression in this
passage is important. God’s Word is to be on your heart,
and then it can be taught to children.
Empty vessels have nothing to give. You cannot pass
on to children what you do not have. You will not pass
on a passion for Scripture if you do not treasure it your-
self. You cannot train children to develop the skills to
study God’s Word if you have not cultivated it in your
own life. If you are a Christian educator, make sure that
doing God’s work does not inhibit your time in God’s
Word. Spending time daily in God’s Word needs to be
your highest priority.
2. Practice family worship
Family worship is the means of introducing children to
the truths of Scripture and preparing children for the
Christian life. The practice consists of reading Scripture
as a family, prayer, and praise to God, often through
music. God has given the father the role of spiritual