The RenewaNation Review 2016 Volume 8 Issue 1 | Page 35

possible. In between those times will be more mundane moments than you want to realize.   There are two rocks you can stand on in the ever-changing moments of your life. First, you must believe with all your heart that the Word of God is the absolute foundation of truth.   The social mores of our society are changing at a head- spinning pace. We’ve now taught a couple of generations to believe the postmodern absurdity that there is no absolute standard of right and wrong. This lie is leading our nation and world into utter chaos. As you leave childhood behind and walk into your future, you will be many steps ahead of those in today’s society if you live on the foundation of truth. However, you will be challenged at every turn.   As you stand on God’s truth, your life will have deep meaning and purpose as it guides you through the maze of life and helps you come out safely at the end. Truth will protect you from the lies of this ever-changing culture. Do not ever be ashamed of the truth of God’s Word. It is the very reason our great nation exists as the most powerful and prosperous nation in history.   The second rock you can stand on is your relationship with the living Jesus. When you are in a genuine relationship with Christ, His Holy Spirit lives within you and guides you into all truth. When we walk closely with Christ and listen moment by moment to the leadership of His Holy Spirit, we are given a shield of protection the unbeliever can never experience.   The Holy Spirit knows what we should do and when we should do it. He leads us to make wise and healthy decisions at home, work, and in every situation of life. If we stay in step with His voice, he will help us to avoid many pitfalls and will aid us when we are called upon to face problems in life.   I cannot promise you a life of ease and happiness if you follow the Lord with all of your heart, but I can promise you that in supernatural ways He will walk with you every step of the way. I can promise you that as you yield to His leadership, He will mold you into a beautiful and significant person. I can guarantee your life will leave a great impact on others, and at the end of your life, you will be ushered into his eternal presence.  Vision To see culture transformed by giving millions of children a Christian worldview education. Mission Renewanation serves to promote the cause of Christian worldview education by supporting and expanding Christian schools, homeschools, and ministries reaching students in non-Christian schools. Next Steps 1. Influence the parents and pastors of 10,000 children to enroll their children in Christian worldview education programs 2. Provide scholarships for 1,000 students 3. Help start 50 new Christian education ministries 4. Revitalize 50 Christian schools 5. Develop and implement Christian worldview training programs for public school students Visit to learn more.