Q: So how are you reaching the students for Christ?
A: We’re serving them and trusting God to reach them
through our love and relationships we will form over
There were lots of questions like these. Then I asked a
Q: Three primary spheres of K-12 education are repre-
sented in every community and in most churches: public
(or secular), Christian schools, and homeschools. What
vision does your church have to serve non-public schools
in your community?
A: [after a long pause] Since over 90% of our community
is in public schools; we choose to serve there. A church
can’t do everything. Our vision is public schools, so we
do nothing for the others though we don’t oppose them.
I wasn’t surprised. This is normal thinking for most
pastors and, to some extent, I can understand why. But
when the session ended I approached the speaker and
asked if I could have a little bit of his time. He agreed.
I thanked him for his vision to bring transformation to
his community and for seeing schools as a vital part of that
opportunity. I then asked if he minded a little “push back”
to his thinking. He said he didn’t, so I continued.
What might parents feel when their Christian school or
homeschool is dismissed as irrelevant, even though they
too have real needs and would be helped significantly by
the vision and passion the church has for public education?
Should your parents, who are making every effort to do
the transformational work of making Christian disciples,
be encouraged and supported and not dismissed as a
minority in the culture by their church?
[a long pause] Wow! Thank
you for sharing. You have really
given me something to think
about. You’re right!
Q: Do you agree that the primary purpose Jesus gave the
Church is to make disciples?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you agree that making disciples requires biblical
worldview formation?
A: Yes.
Do you agree that biblical worldview and secular
education are pretty much diametrically opposed to each
A: [cautious pause] I suppose so.
What are your thoughts about parents who under-
stand this reality and have chosen to take their children
out of secular schools because of their commitment to
helping their kids form a biblical worldview, regardless of
the sacrifice to themselves?
We parted ways as friends freshly determined to bring
transformation to our communities and culture through
Here is the heart of the matter: Every parent, student,
and school needs to be bathed in prayer and shown
the love of God through dedicated Christians who are
willing to serve. Christian schools and homeschools
that are giving children a biblical worldview and truly
making them disciples of Jesus should be championed
and supported, even as work is done to influence public
schools and the families and students they serve.
Christian parents, pastors, and educators need to
understand how vital biblical worldview formation is to
students. It is critical to the power of the gospel in their
lives and is essential if we hope to experience Christ-
centered community and cultural transformation.