The RenewaNation Review 2015 Volume 7 Issue 2 | Page 27

saving gospel itself, which is grounded on the Bible’s historical claims, is undermined.   Even when parents pull their kids out of public school, the anti-God message is so prevalent in the media, museums, and colleges—and even among friends, neighbors, and workmates—that young people are woefully unprepared to understand and defend their beliefs. Even many leaders in Christian education have compromised with evolution and earth history over millions of years. Many groups are now even producing homeschool curricula that promote evolution and millions of years!   Eventually, most kids will leave the church.   Joseph Stalin knew the power of education as a propa- ganda tool. In just one generation, he converted hordes of the deeply religious Russian people into followers of athe- istic Marxism. He said, “Education is a weapon, the effect of which is determined by the hands which wield it.” 4 In just one generation, Joseph Stalin converted hordes of the deeply religious Russian people into followers of atheistic Marxism. He said, “Education is a weapon, the effect of which is determined by the hands which wield it.”   Sadly, most of the people who control the West’s publish- ing and video industries today reject the God of the Bible, and they are winning over the next generation, indoctrinat- ing them in evolutionary humanism. Day after day, our children are bombarded with their message.   The consequences in America were again confirmed in October 2012 when the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released new survey results. The CNN website reported, 27