The RenewaNation Review 2015 Volume 7 Issue 1 | Page 7

F ounder’s Pen from the Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to read this issue of The Renewanation Review. In this magazine, you will find a wide array of articles that reinforce the importance of giving more children a biblical worldview education. In our troubled nation today, there are more than four million children who are receiving a K-12 Christian education. This unique education is preparing these young people to take the light and hope of Christ into our hopeless and darkened world. At Renewanation, it is our mission to increase the number of children who are receiving this type of education every year. God is helping us to accomplish our mission! One of our Renewanation board members, Dr. Glen Schultz, often says that when you get the church, family, and school in alignment with God’s Word, a child has a remarkably high chance of giving their life to Christ and following Him throughout their lifetime. As a pastor for many years, I witnessed this to be true. Often, when a child is going astray, one or more of these three key elements is not teaching, practicing, or reinforcing God’s truth. As parents, pastors, educators, and Christians in general, we must take very serious the instruction from God’s Word to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). If the statistics are right, we’ve lost close to 90% of those who are 15-35 years old today. Something has to change, and we believe the most fundamental change and transformation will be experienced when we get back to educating millions of new children from a biblical perspective. All the values that have made America such a special nation are found in a Christian education. As you read the articles found in this issue of The Renewanation Review, think about those in your circle of influence that could benefit from this content. Give them this copy or contact to order more copies for friends and family. As we all work together to promote the opportunities that Christian worldview education brings to our children and our nation, we will witness significant transformation. Renewing our nation, one child at a time, Jeff Keaton Renewanation Founder & CEO As parents, pastors, educators, and Christians in general, we must take very serious the instruction from God’s Word to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). 7