The RenewaNation Review 2015 Volume 7 Issue 1 | Page 26

NOW PLAYING THE END OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM By Jen Wooldridge - Editor & Designer of The Renewanation Review I N 2014, PRESIDENT OBAMA SIGNED an execu- tive order making it illegal for federal contractors to discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans- gender employees. How could this likely affect Christian colleges, schools, and businesses?   Michael Zigarelli, editor of, says, “The order doesn’t directly affect private education, but its unprecedented refusal to exempt religious organizations surely will. Without this exemption, the President has signaled to regulators that it’s open season on faith-based institutions.”   1   He goes on to illustrate two probable scenarios we will likely see in the future: “The order says if you want federal money you must hire gays. The US Department of Educa- tion decides that this applies to federal financial aid as well. Students are then prohibited from using their aid at colleges that do not hire gays. Christian colleges go out of business. Here’s another future: With the exemption gone, accrediting bodies take the cue and insist that all colleges include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in their non-discrimination policies, revoking accreditation for those faith-based schools that won’t genuflect. Students are prohibited from using their aid at non-accredited colleges. Christian colleges go out of business.”   2   The opening scenes of these “hypothetical” scenarios are already taking place.   Consider Gorden College in Massachusetts. Gorden’s president simply co-signed a letter requesting that Obama’s executive order exempt religious institutions. The result of making a simple request: the New England Association of Schools and Colleges is reconsidering Gorden’s accredita- tion. If this accrediting body decides to revoke Gorden’s accreditation, the pressure will be on other accrediting 26 agencies to follow suit in the name of non-discrimination against gays.   Without a religious exemption in this executive order, the stage has been set for religious discrimination to continue to play out legally across America.   State Departments of Education could necessitate private schools hire LGBT faculty members or mandate that school curricula promote tolerance and acceptance of the LGBT lifestyle. Christian K-12 schools would face a closing curtain while the audience that is our society gives thunderous applause to “tolerance” and “love.”   Think this couldn’t happen? It already is.   In 2012, a Christian school in Cincinnati, Ohio rescind- ed their offer to hire Jonathan Zeng after learning he was gay. Zeng wasn’t planning to take legal action though he said he was keeping his legal options open. According to Scott E. Knox, a Cincinnati attorney who focuses on employment and discrimination law, federal laws probably won’t protect Zeng, but a local ordinance might. Knox said a city Human Right’s ordinance made it illegal for Cincin- nati employers to discriminate against anyone because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Although religious institutions are exempt from the ordinance, he believes the school could be in danger of a penalty if it received its tax-exempt status as a private school and not as a house of worship. 3   David Cortman, senior legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, says, “Under the United States Constitution, religious organizations do have the freedom to carry out their faith and their religious mission. So regardless of the local ordinance, the federal constitution trumps in that instance.”   4   Fast forward to the present. An executive order is now