Just Doesn’t
Smell Right
By Tim Throckmorton
NE OF THE THINGS my wife has
trained me to do is practice the use of
a very popular little product called “hand
sanitizer.” So after a shopping stop or handling
potentially germ carrying things, I am now
pretty well trained to reach into my console
and apply said hand sanitizer rather faith-
fully. Last week I reached for the trusty pump
container and began to apply generously what
I thought would effectively rid my hands of any
unwanted contamination. When the aroma of
“new car” began to waft throughout the interior
of my Malibu, I thought, I don’t remember this
stuff smelling like that! I soon realized I had
thoroughly doused my palms with fresh-scent
car smell. Good stuff until you are trying to get
the smell to come off!
Things often do not smell right intellectually
as well. Headlines smack of wrong assumptions.
Hollywood finds itself ripe with questionable
motive and vacant of moral character. Govern-
ment is rich with politics and very wrong on
policies. Many are feasting on a diet of wrong
perception and false information, leaving a
rancid smell in the air. In a December 2013
interview with Relevant magazine, Ira Glass,
a professing atheist, said this regarding the
treatment of Christianity in the mainstream
media: “Many groups in America feel the