The RenewaNation Review 2014 Volume 6 Issue 2 | Page 18

was Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:17; 3:6). The Bible teaches that the rebellious (sinful) nature is inherited; it is passed from parents to descendants. Thus, all people have in their nature a tendency to sin (a tendency to rebel against God) because they are descendants of Adam and Eve, who committed the first sin (Romans 5:12; Galatians 5:17). Adam’s sin resulted in the curse of all things, and all creation has been suffering the effects of the curse since that time (Romans 8:22–23). Thus, a literal Genesis can account for why people are immoral in the first place as well as the “natural evils” we see in the world.   A Christian worldview regarding Genesis as literal history is necessary for understanding: (1) why there is a moral code; (2) why everyone knows about it, and (3) why no one can live up to it completely. This provides a rational, logi- cal, and consistent foundation for morality that has led to modern laws that prohibit and punish immorality. "Words like should and ought only make sense if there is an absolute standard given by one who has authority over everyone." Inconsistency in the Evolutionary Worldview Consider those evolutionists who are concerned about chil- dren being taught creation. The well-known atheist Richard Dawkins, professor at Oxford University, states concerning teaching creation in schools, “Evolution is supported by mountains of scientific evidence. These children are being deliberately and wantonly misled (about the origins of living things).” 7   It is commendable that Dawkins is concerned about the welfare of children: that they should only be taught the truth. But does such concern make sense if children are simply the result of random evolutionary processes?   Dawkins argues that creation should not be taught since he believes it is false. Now, this begs the question, since the truth or falsity of creation is the issue: as biblical creationists we are convinced that creation is true, and evolution is false. But the truly absurd thing about such evolutionary argu- ments is that they are contrary to evolution! That is, in an evolutionary worldview why is it wrong to lie—particularly if it benefits our survival value? 18   Now, certainly in a Christian worldview it is wrong to lie, and the Christian has a reason for this. God has indicated in His Word that lying is contrary to His nature (Numbers 23:19) and that people are not to engage in it (Exodus 20:16). But apart from the Christian worldview, why should people tell the truth? For that matter, why should people do anything at all? Words like should and ought only make sense if there is an absolute standard given by one who has authority over everyone.   If human beings are merely the inevitable result of the laws of physics and chemistry acting over time, then how can people have any genuine choice in what they do? If the decisions people make are simply the deterministic outwork- ing of electrochemical reactions in the brain—which is itself allegedly the mindless outworking of billions of random chance copying errors in our DNA—then how would it make sense to hold people responsible for their “decisions?”   After all, we do not attempt to punish the planet Venus for spinning backwards. And we do not get angry at baking soda for reacting with vinegar. This is just what necessarily happens in the universe given the laws of nature. So why would an evolutionist be angry at anything one human being does to another (such as creationists supposedly “lying” to children), if we are all nothing more than complex chemical reactions? If we are simply evolved animals, why should we hold to a code of conduct in this “dog-eat-dog” world? After all, what one animal does to another is morally irrelevant. The Evolutionary Worldview Borrows from the Christian Worldview When evolutionists attempt to be moral, they are “borrow- ing” from the Christian worldview.   The Christian worldview accounts not only for moral- ity but also for why evolutionists behave the way they do. Even those who have no basis for morality within their own professed worldview nonetheless hold to a moral code; this is because in their heart of hearts they really do know the God of creation, despite their profession to the contrary. Scripture tells us that everyone knows the biblical God but that they suppress the truth about God (Romans 1:18–21).   Why would anyone do this?   We have an inherited sin nature from Adam (Romans 5:12) who rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden. John 3:19 indicates that people would rather remain in spiritual darkness than have their evil deeds exposed. Just as Adam tried to hide from God’s presence (Genesis 3:8),