The RenewaNation Review 2014 Volume 6 Issue 2 | Page 43

L IFE STEWARDSHIP IS GROUNDED in the founda- tional truth that God is the Owner of all things. This truth has far-reaching impact into every area of our lives.   God owns our homes, our cars, our bank accounts, our investments, our children, our spouses, our bodies, our time, our abilities — just to name a few of the areas. And because of this “God owns it all” reality, our understanding of our relationship to what we possess is radically changed from thinking of ourselves as the owners of all we possess to understanding that we are to be trusted stewards or manag- ers of someone else’s property.   Out of this “we are only the managers and not the owners” mindset emerges a life-changing question that we cannot help but ask. And it demands that we ask it on a daily basis. This life-transforming question is, “Lord, what do you want me to do with all that you have entrusted to me?”   It is no longer “How do I want to spend my day?” It is now, “God, how do you want me to spend Your day?”   It is no longer, “How do I want to spend my money?” It is now, “God, how do you want me to spend Your money?”   It is no longer, “How much of my money do I want to give to the Lord?” It is now, “God, how much of Your money should I be spending on myself?”   It is no longer, “How do I want to care for and feed my body?” It is now, “God, how do You want me to care for and feed Your body?”   It is no longer, “What kind of house and car do I want to have?” It is now, “God, what kind of house and car do You want me to have?”   See how this ownership issue impacts every single area of our lives?   For those of us who are now asking this profound ques- tion, there is also a second question that logically emerges as we seek to answer this first question. And this second ques- tion is what I want to answer for you. The question is this, “Exactly how do we get directions from the Owner regarding what He wants us to do with all that He has entrusted to us?” “Okay, I’m convinced,” you say, “I want to follow His directions on how to manage His property. So, how do I get my directions from Him?”   There are three different ways in which God can and does personally deliver His Owner directions to us. In this three-part series, I will begin with the most obvious and objective way He directs us and end with the most subtle and subjective way He communicates with us. The first way God directs us is: Through His Word.   If we want to discover what our Owner wants us to do with all that He has entrusted us to manage for Him, we need to spend time in His book. This should be so obvious that I hesitate to highlight it. Research shows that less than 10% of all professing Christians have even read through the entire Bible once in their lifetime. So, is it any wonder why so many believers are living lives that are spiritual contradic- tions often without even realizing it? If we have never even read the entire “Instruction Manual for Managers of the Owner’s Property,” should we be surprised that we might not be doing all that great of a job of stewarding all His stuff He has given us to manage? Here are three ways we ought to be regularly interacting with His written Word: We need to be READERS of His Word. I often have believers tell me that the reason they don’t spend more time reading the Word is because they are simply too busy with life to do much of it.   That is interesting in light of two studies that were recently released. The Forrester Group reports that the average time Americans spend on the internet is about 48 hours a month or 12 hours a week. The Nielsen Company’s “Three Screen Report” – which reports American’s viewing of television programs and movies on TV, computers, and smartphones – has now increased to a new high of more than 151 hours a month or over 37 hours a week. These two reports indicate that the average American is spending about 191 hours a month, or almost 40 hours a week engaged in one of these two recreational activities. That’s about eight hours a day. My point here is not to bash TV watching or internet use, but to ask ourselves, don’t we have plenty of available time each day to be reading the Bible if we wanted to? Can we be totally honest with ourselves and one another and admit that spending time reading the Owner’s Manual is far more a matter of having a desire to read it than it is, having the time to read it?   So, just how much time each day would it take to read all God’s Directions to His Managers in one year, if we did want to? If you were to read the Bible out loud, it would take you 12.5 minutes a day. Since most people read faster than they talk, reading it silently would take about 7.5 minutes a day for the average reader to completely read God’s directions for His stewards once a year.   David expresses his love for being in the Word in Psalm 43