In Papua New Guinea, just a few decades ago many
people were headhunters and cannibals. Christian mission-
aries, some of whom I know, risked their lives to go into
that country where they started schools. A few years ago, a
product of mission schools and a committed Christian was
elected Governor General of the country! Notice the Chris-
tian influence in their national anthem:
O arise all you sons of this land,
Let us sing of our joy to be free,
Praising God and rejoicing to be
Papua New Guinea.
Shout our name from the mountains to seas
Papua New Guinea;
Let us raise our voices and proclaim
Papua New Guinea.
Now give thanks to the good Lord above
For His kindness, His wisdom and love
For this land of our fathers so free,
Papua New Guinea.
Shout again for the whole world to hear
Papua New Guinea;
We’re independent, and we’re free,
Papua New Guinea.
Christian schools are not a thing of the past.
Their impact is significant today! While writing this article
I received this note from a friend who had just returned
from the largest Muslim nation in the world: “Equipping
young students and parents with a biblical worldview is key
to cultural transformation. I just got back from Indonesia
where the country is 90% Muslim, yet courageous Christians
are planting schools, (not churches) and are looking at how to
teach and educate a generation with a biblical worldview. It’s
a very exciting time!”
I totally agree! This is a very exciting time in history and
for the Church. We face challenges like never before. We
also have an opportunity like never before, and I believe
there is no place of greater opportunity to impact lives
and culture for Christ than through schools—around the
world and right down the street. Impacting this generation
through schools must become a priority in the mission of
the Church.
Melvin Adams is President and COO of Renewanation. His
career has been centered in Christian education, international
missions, and music and pastoral ministries. He and his wife
Sandy have six children and seven grandchildren. They reside
in Hardy, Virginia.
Think about it!
Teaching is almost always intentional.
Teaching is done on the basis of some
truth claim.
Teaching is for the purpose of formation
or transformation.
ve Impact?
How Can You H
Sponsor a student’s
Christian educatio
tian school, public
Volunteer in a Chris
ool network.
school, or homesch
ucator that is on
Be a teacher or ed
n school in an
Help start a Christia
underserved comm