NE OF MY NIECES, who is currently completing
between those of us who possess a biblical worldview and
her R.N. program, recently shared with me one of her
those who possess a secular worldview. One side thinks
experiences in a secular university.
we are progressing, and we as Christians know that we are
In one class, she was asked to rate a list of sexual activities
digressing from the absolute standards God established for
and preferences on a scale of most acceptable (adaptive)
our good.
to least acceptable (mal-adaptive). This list included the
Almost all of the students in my niece’s class agreed with
following sexual activities: Rape; Incest; Homosexuality;
the teacher.
Unsatisfactory sex inside marriage; Satisfactory sex between
How many more experiences like this one will it take
unmarried people; Exhibitionism; Pedophilia; Numerous
before we realize that education is being used to rob the
casual sex encounters between young adults; Bi-sexuality;
hearts and minds of America’s children of the truth?
Sex without informing partners of your HIV status; Mastur-
How much longer will Christian pastors and parents
bation; Extramarital affairs.
defend the secular indoctrination of their children?
They were asked to place three in the category of most
The statistics are in, and we have lost an entire generation
acceptable (adaptive) and three in the category of least
of young people to secularism. In Thom Ranier’s book, The
acceptable (mal-adaptive).
Millennials, only a fraction
My niece, who was raised
(6%) of the 78 million born
in a strong Christian home
from 1980-2000 believe
In Thom Ranier’s book,
and attended a Christian
in the cardinal truths of
The Millennials, only a
school that gave her a very
Christianity. This is no coin-
well developed biblical
cidence! 90 - 95% of these
worldview, stated to her
young people were trained
78 million born from
peers that she didn’t see any
in secular schools.
1980-2000 believe in
of these as most acceptable.
If we want to save the
In reality, all of the choices
next generation, we must
were in some way a perver-
gain access to their hearts
of Christianity.
sion of God’s design for sex
and minds while they are
inside marriage. It was also
still young. Many wonderful
interesting that they only
ministries are trying to win
listed sex inside marriage as “unsatisfactory.” When my
the millennials to Christ as young adults. This is a great and
niece, for lack of better choices, chose this one as the only
necessary mission, but we would be much more successful if
somewhat acceptable option, her classmates were dumb-
we focus on their education as children.
founded. They asked, “Why would you choose ‘unsatisfac-
We are praying for an awakening in the area of K-12
tory sex inside marriage’ as your best option?”
education. We must realize that K-12 secular education is
At the close of the lesson, the teacher stated that there are
aggressively seeking to give our children a non-Christian
no right and wrong answers on this exercise and only two
worldview. It is imperative that we create a new K-12
activities, rape and pedophilia, were listed by every student
educational movement totally dedicated to giving children
as unacceptable.
a biblical worldview.
My niece made the case to her class that many years ago
Will you join with us in reaching this generation for
all of these would have been considered wrong. She then
Christ? Our nation’s well being and our children’s eternal
asked the class how much longer it would be before they
futures depend on it.
decided that rape and pedophilia are okay. After this state-
Jeff Keaton is the founder and CEO of Renewanation. A success-
ment, the teacher said something very revealing. She said,
ful pastor, church and school planter, and a ministry entrepreneur,
“Well, it depends on whether you think we are progressing or
Jeff has invested his adult life into helping people grow spiritually.
He speaks across America challenging the church to reach the
digressing.” It was clear that she believed the acceptance of
world for Christ and to get involved in the great cause of giving
children a Christian worldview education. He is the author of The
sexual perversion is a sign of progress in our culture.
Life of Radical Faith. Visit his website at jeffkeaton.net.
This classroom experience clearly shows the great divide